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Prep (Ages 7-13)


16 December 2022

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

In a joyful seven days that has seen a plethora of Christmas events, it is best to let the Newsletter and some pictures do the talking at this stage.

I wish you all a very warm and uplifting festive break from HEADlines - may it be spent in the comfort and nourishment generated by the company of your nearest and dearest friends and family.

Happy Christmas.

This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

The final edition of Pelican News for 2022 is dedicated to the amazing children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for their brilliant Nativity performance this morning of ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’  Every year they rise to the challenge of delivering the Christmas story with so much energy, confidence and joy but given today was the first day we had an (almost) full cast they shone even brighter this year.

Please click here to read the rest of this week's Pelican News

Christmas lunches

Three cheers to the wonderful catering team at King's Hall for providing us all with a delicious turkey lunch on Wednesday, it certainly warmed us all up on an extremley chilly day! Thank you to Liz and all of the team!

Coming up Lent 2023...

Please see the School Calendar on the Portal and SOCs for more details and timings

School starts week commencing 9th January

After School Hobbies/Activities (Y3-Y8)

After School Hobbies/Activities (Y3-Y8)

Week commencing 16th January

Hobbies for the Lent term start week commencing 16th January. Please dont forget to make selections. Bookings will ‘close’ at 5.00 pm on Tuesday 2nd January 2023.    

Bookings form

Upcoming Events

Day Prep


Week commencing 9th January

If you require day prep provision for your child/ren after Christmas please book using the link below. The booking form will close at 9am on Monday 9th January; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.   

If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know. 

Day Prep Booking Form

A View from the Rose Garden

Mrs Watson's Year 4 Class

What a festive final week of this term it has been. While we have still remained focused on our daily timetable and finishing off this term’s curriculum in various subjects, we have had an underlying festive spirit. From celebrating the patron Saint of King’s Hall, St Nicolas, to Y3 Christmas assembly, to our J-sax performance, to Golden time, Christmas Lunch, Pre-Prep Nativity and Christmas Party – it has all been great fun!  

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas filled with lots of cheer and warmth.  

pTrumpets, pTrombones and JSax Clip 1 pTrumpets, pTrombones and JSax Clip 2



BHLAC trip and King's College Concert

On Monday, the Senior Choir took part in a wonderful, festive event at the Blackdown Healthy Living and Activity Centre - a charity working to support the local Blackdown community by helping to reduce the impact of rural isolation.  

Performing to a packed hall (with standing room only!), the choir performed many carols on their own and also led the assembled voices in renditions of many popular Christmas carols (complete with soaring descants).   

Not only did the choir sing beautifully, but they were impeccably well-behaved and were noted to be outstanding ambassadors not only for the school but for their generation. The audience was enthralled and enormously grateful for such a wonderful Christmas treat.  

On the Tuesday evening, the Senior Choir also had the added excitement of taking part in the King’s College Christmas Concert – a first for us!  

Not only did our young singers get to perform on their own in the wonderful College Chapel, but they also had the opportunity of singing with the senior school’s Chapel Choir. The joint sound was absolutely stunning and one of the highlights of a terrific concert. It was also wonderful to see a number of our young singers taking part in the remarkably high-quality King’s Schools Symphony Orchestra.

Year 3 Nativity Assembly

Saint Nicolas Day Assembly

Saint Nicolas Day Assembly

Many of the children starred in Mr Chippendale’s annual assembly on the story of St Nicolas. They were great and very funny! Below is a link to a little video of the assembly.

St Nicholas Assembly

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends,

What a week of fun, frolics and festivities. I have watched a super St Nicolas Day assembly. You’ll see from the photo that I was just as enthralled as the munchkin sized pupils from nursery. I performed/starred in the Year 3 Christmas assembly, and I attended the Boarders’ Feast. Then of course there were the class parties and the wonderful pre-prep nativity. I loved it all.

I know that your kiddiwinks countdown to Christmas with their Advent Calendars, but as I’m allergic to chocolate, I count down with all the festive hoovering, and there’s been plenty to do this week. I don’t even mind the odd sprout or two but sadly there were no spillages of those delicious pigs in blankets.

Maybe a startling woof might wobble one off a fork; I might try that next year. 

And to the child who made holes in a Christmas cracker hat for my ears, that was quite ingenious, I looked just the part! 

Well folks: “Woof, woof, woof-woof” and a “Woof-woof, Woof, Woof!”

Love from 

Snoops X

A Few Words From....


This Terms Head Boy Edward Coad

It is the end of the first term for this year at King's Hall and a huge amount has been happened. Year 8 did our Senior play Moana JR at the beginning of the second half of the term. It had great attendance and was pretty impressive on all fronts. A big well done to everyone who took part and made such a big effort to rehearse. It was worth it!

There have also been lots of IAPS tournaments and each year group have done well.

Year 6 went to Mill on the Brue, Year 5 went to Kilve both on residential trips and had lots of fun.

In this last week the Pre-prep have been doing their amazing nativity whilst Year 3 did their own great play too.

We had a good Carol service on Sunday and many people have brought in colourful Christmas jumpers for this past week, which brings lots of Christmas joy but I think that we are all looking forward to the Christmas holidays and hope everyone has a decent break and a lot of fun too!

Merry Christmas!

Boarding Blog

by Anna Hardy


Dancing Queen!

My last newsletter article of the year – how can that be? They say time flies when you are having fun and isn't that just the case. The last week of the Michaelmas Term is always my favourite, although it can seem rather manic at times. This included Christmas lunch, and a mid-week trip to McDonalds for the credit raffle winners amongst many other activities. The highlight of the Boarding social calendar is the Boarders' Feast and on Thursday night we had an amazing evening. The children were incredible hosts, some of them thoroughly enjoyed pouring wine for the staff on their tables, although they might require some wine pouring tips before next year! The catering team outdid themselves; the carvery we had was incredible, followed by the ‘ice cream factory’ where children were allowed to help themselves to toppings – let us just say they did not hold back! The after-dinner entertainment was extremely entertaining, the staff kicked off proceeding and showed the children how it was done, the judges were just ridiculously harsh and unkind in my opinion! The 4 groups of children gave it their all and it was so rewarding to see all their time rehearsing come to fruition. The staff watching and ‘judging’ were so impressed, and I was immensely proud of all the children. Thank you so much to everyone for making it happen and the continued support and help I get from my team and SO many other unsung heroes behind the scenes.  

We also said fond farewells to Ines and Thomas P who have been with us for a term. Miss Biggs is also leaving us to pursue a career in the Police – she has given so much to King’s Hall and particularly the Boarding House, we are extremely grateful for all that she has done over the years and will miss her greatly.  

There are a lot of tired children (and staff) this morning – so we wish them a very restful break. I hope you mall have a lovely Christmas with friends and family and we look forward to welcoming back fresh faced and bushy tailed children next year! 


Mrs Naum's Tutor Group

6N have been getting into the Christmas spirit this term, whilst still trying to keep the health of the planet and the plight of others less fortunate than ourselves, at the forefront of our minds. For weeks the pupils have been researching how to make Christmas decorations out of recycled materials, salvaging the resources and crafting in their free time. The result of their efforts is a wonderful window of ‘green’ Christmas cheer in the Outer Quad.

The form has also been busy wrapping Christmas shoe boxes full of goodies for children in the Ukraine, hoping they too will be able to find some moments of cheer over this coming break.

Finally, 6N would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy, peaceful new year.  

Academic life


In a world, where clear and open communication is so important, let us hope that individuals and those that profess to govern us, whatever their language and culture, take pains to listen to one another and that goodwill to all will extend beyond this festive season.

Merry Christmas to one and all from the Latin Department! 


Theatre trip to the Brewhouse

Last Thursday 100 children and ten excited teachers travelled to the Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton to watch the Christmas show ‘The Little Prince’ based on the much-loved story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  

The musical tells the story of a pilot who is stranded in the middle of the Sahara Desert, and meets the Little Prince, a mysterious child from far away with a universe of stories to share. As water begins to run out, we discover whether some fantastical tales of adventure will help this unlikely pair find a way home. 

King’s Hall joined the planet-hopping prince on an intergalactic adventure like no other! We met a whole host of colourful characters – from the friendly fox to prickly rose. 

This production, although hard to understand for our younger children, was joyous to watch and was complete with amazingly spectacular circus skills and physical, contemporary dance as well as enchanting original songs.  We saw the cyr wheel, unicycle, juggling, aerial hoop, fire, lots of amazing acrobatics and balancing tricks.  It was certainly a feast for our eyes and ears.  This was a really uplifting tale of friendship and imagination and was enjoyed by all the pupils.  The company were very talented actors and circus artists. 

Christmas is such an important time to be reminded of the values of trust, friendship and kindness that this story embodies.  - the prince was right – we must look with our hearts. 

Here at King’s Hall, we enjoyed the show and an ice cream at the interval was an added Christmas treat! 


Model crane

Thanks to this incredibly kind gift of a fully-functioning model crane, made and donated by Mr Tim Woods, the children have a fabulous addition to the DT department.  We are very grateful for his remarkable skill and generosity.

This week's Sport round-up

End of rugby season

U10's and U12's


King's Loop

The King's Loop has continued to be incredibly popular this year.  For those that are not familiar, children choose to run or jog the 2.5km course around our beautiful school grounds and I like to reward their efforts.  Each week, their times are recorded and they have a loyalty card that they can fill in.  This card provides them with their progress over the term, and once they have reached 6 Loops, they are given an HMC.  They are given a King's Loop badge for completing 12 Loops, a T-shirt for completing 24 and a hoodie for completing 50 Loops.

The King's Loop has helped our pupils develop their fitness so that they stay healthy, become a better team mate or help them train for cross country events. It is a highlight for many and it has become a part of their weekly routine. To purchase the rewards, we have relied on donations from the 1880 Club, but this year, I would like to thank our new sponsor- The Christmas Decorators.  They have kindly agreed to fund all of our prizes from September 2023-2024, which will also have our smart new King's College Prep logo on the front.  I cannot thank them enough for their generosity, as receiving the awards means so much to the children. It is a perfect time of year to visit the Christmas Decorators website (link below) and next year, I am sure you will see lots of children running around with their logo on their King's Loops prizes.

1880 Club The Christmas Decorators
Lent Term Sport Information

Lent Term Sport Information

Games: Both boys and girls are welcome to (and encouraged to) wear school navy skins (top and bottom) during the colder months.

It is really important that all kit is clearly named so please ensure everything has their name clearly labelled.

Please could children remember their own water bottles (also named).

Girls: Netball.

Kit – trainers (good grip but not astros), white socks, skort and games top.

Other important notes: It is essential that earrings are removed for netball lessons (they cannot be taped), so please bear this in mind and make sure your children can take them out/put in their own earrings before the start of term. Finger nails must be cut short to play netball.

Boys: Hockey.

Kit – astro shoes (or outdoor trainers), games socks, shin pads, games shorts, games top, gum shield and hockey stick.

PE: The children will all be informed of their new activity rotations prior to their first lesson of the term. Year 4 will all be on swimming, all other year groups will be on a physical activity that requires normal PE kit.

Christmas Cricket Clinic

Christmas Cricket Clinic

Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 December

There will be a Cricket Clinic running during the Christmas holidays at King's College for boys and girls in Years 4 - 8. For more information please email Rob Woodman using the link below.

Christmas Hockey Camp

Christmas Hockey Camp

There is still space to sign up for our Christmas Hockey Camp running on Tuesday 20 December!
Open to all standards of players wanting to improve their skills with the help of qualified coaches.
Suitable for ages 10 - 16 
Sign up below:

Sign Up
For more Sport news...

For more Sport news...

Sport Twitter

'Elf'is Returns to King's Hall!

This week 'Elf'is has been getting himself into all sorts of mischief. He had a Titanic moment on the front of one of the amazing viking ships the children have made, took a book off the sh'elf' then played a game of hide and seek with us...eventually turning up as the Receptionist for the morning! Mrs Kemmish was very pleased to find her seat nice and warm when she came into work! He then decided to give us all a tune on the harmonius colour guitars on the art display board.

Feeling helpful he grabbed a dustpan and brush to help the cleaning team after a very messy shredder user in the School Office - tut tut! 

'Elf'is was feeling crafty and had a go at making paper christmas trees out of Mrs Lowery's old books. If you would like to have a go at making these a quick search on the internet brings up lots of cool ideas of how to upcycle your old books. Whilst doing so he wrote a sweet note to wish all of the staff and children at King's Hall a very merry Christmas!

Finally he had a date so couldnt be late to have lots of fun at the Boarders' Feast with his Elf-friend Cookie.

Until next year...cheerio!

Message from the Medical Centre

Message from the Medical Centre

Strep A/Scarlet Fever

Further to the letter sent home regarding Strep A/Scarlet fever please see below link to a video containing further information which you may find useful.

Information video
Woodlands Adventure December Camp

Woodlands Adventure December Camp

19th-21st December

Woodlands Adventure is a holiday club with a difference. It takes place in our own woods at King’s Hall, so there are no televisions, computers or iPads, just fresh air, friends and a whole lot of fun!

Find out more about our fantastic camp on offer during December for children aged 3 to 13 by clicking the link below.

Holiday Camp


Christmas opening hours:

The School shop will be open on 

Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th January 2023 9am - 4pm

Please contact the School Office to book an appointment.

Our school shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!

Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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