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Senior (Ages 13-16)


Open Days - 27 September: Prep (2-13) / 28 September: Senior & Sixth Form (13-18)

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE - The perfect opportunity to gain an insight into the school, view the facilities and gather all the information you need.

Silvermead Art Studio

Head of Art, Clare Schmidt, and pupils discuss the benefits of the King's College Silvermead Art Studio. Our Arts Centre allows pupils to explore new mediums of art, including painting, printmaking, ceramics, textiles and photography. Watch the video to find out more.

Large glass doors will open onto a terrace for outdoor working in the summer months, and our existing facilities will be used more effectively to create specialist working areas.

Artist Michael Brennand-Wood officially opened the studio on 25 February 2017.


Art at King's

Art at King's seeks to inspire and nurture creativity through exciting projects, exhibitions, workshops, trips and lectures. We encourage pupils to explore and experiment with media to grow in confidence and ambition through their work.

Fine art is the foundation of the department, and we develop traditional skills of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and textiles alongside contemporary media such as digital photography, film and IT. Pupils are supported to find their strengths, and develop artistic skills to express themselves.


Outside the Classroom

The art department organises trips to support teaching and provide pupils with the opportunity to engage directly with art and photography and to carry out research first-hand.

Recent study trips have visited the Tate Modern and Saatchi galleries in London, Pitt Rivers in Oxford and Exeter galleries and cathedral.

Overseas trips are also organised for sixth form pupils taking A-level fine art and photography – recent tours have included Barcelona and Vienna.



There is plenty opportunity outside of lessons for pupils to come and work in the art department and activity sessions are open to all regardless of whether they are following the subject at exam level or not. This is a great time for pupils to experience working collaboratively or on a bigger scale and is an opportunity for the younger pupils to work alongside the older ones and take inspiration from the diversity of work going on.

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