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Senior (Ages 13-16)

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

Our pupils do not stand for the kind of behaviour that makes others unhappy and they are a key contributor to the civilised atmosphere at King's.


Why Study PSHE?

Teenagers are now growing up in a busy, challenging and heavily technology-based world, and the PSHE curriculum at King’s is designed to allow them the opportunity to discuss how they are developing personally and socially within this environment.

A team of teachers guide pupils through a variety of age-appropriate topics, helping them to develop their own core values, build strong relationships with others and make informed decisions in a safe environment. Above all, pupils gain an understanding of diversity and differences, both in school and in the wider world, developing respect for themselves and others.

PSHE incorporates Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) which was made compulsory by the government in 2020. Our RSE policy can be found alongside other school here.


Your Voice Counts

PSHE is taught in timetabled weekly lessons for the Third, Fourth and Fifth Form, and there are also supplementary talks and workshops given by outside specialists on a broad range of topics. Most recently these have included:

  • A talk from It Happens Education on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
  • A talk from a mental health campaigner
  • A workshop led by Exeter University medical students covering relationships and sex, self-harm, stress and eating disorders
  • A talk from PC Alderman on internet safety.
  • A talk from Peter Hall on drug and alcohol awareness

Discussion of sensitive, controversial and often challenging issues take place in lessons where classes develop their own ground rules with their teacher so that discussions are positive, sensitive and all pupils' opinions and contributions are appreciated. Since PSHE is a subject that is all-encompassing, some topics are then followed up with further discussions in tutorials and in houses.

If pupils wish to talk to someone individually, they can speak to their Houseparents, their tutor, the Health Centre (and the School Counsellor), the Independent Listener or the Deputy Head (Pastoral).


PSHE in the Sixth Form

In the Lower Sixth, PSHE forms part of a Key Skills course which is designed to complement academic courses. The PSHE element involves the discussion of alcohol and drugs, relationships and sex education (RSE), personal finance and how to maintain positive mental health. These lessons are supplemented by visiting speakers during the year both for Lower and Upper Sixth pupils.

We promote the active involvement of pupils in all sessions. They are encouraged to develop enquiry and discussion skills, learn to make decisions, solve problems, work independently and in groups, and learn from each other. Presentations and debates are often pupil-led, and as issues in the wider world arise, we include these in our discussions or activities.  

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