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Prep (Ages 7-13)


27 January 2023

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

Last night I introduced a special evening event for King's College Doha. There were about 400 people present to see first hand and hear about our direct links between Doha and the UK, but mainly to find out about the terrific plans for the next evolution of the school. From September they will occupy a brand new build for Years 3 - 13 with simply stunning facilities. The existing site will become a spacious and incredible Pre-Prep venue.  There was a great buzz around the event and I expect there to be much positive chatter about the exciting plans in the weeks ahead. 

An early start today following the event meant this afternoon I just about made it into school before the end of the week.

It has been a hugely rewarding week across which I was in the presence of over 1000 King's children, as happy as those here in the UK, wearing the same uniforms, existing in positive communities full of age and stage relevant endeavour.  Amongst many other meetings, presentations, visits to Ministries, I’ve been climbed on in Nursery, took an assembly for over 700, met the prefects in Year 10 and chatted a great deal with the staff in both schools. It was terrific to have the knowledge and experience of Simon Worthy and then Jonty Lawford in Riyadh and Doha respectively. 

18 months in, the early stages of the school in Riyadh reminded me so much of the Doha school 6 years ago and the Doha school has become a very impressive place from a similar position.

On tangible liaisons between the schools, across a variety of age groups, we are linking Heads of Departments and pastoral leaders, offering university application and interview guidance to pupils as well as hoping to have some KCD pupils come on a visit to us - Year 9 in June is a possibility? We also want to grow the global network our leavers have access to through shared alumni links. More directly, we hope to create opportunities for King's UK leavers to head over as GAPs. 

These rapidly emerging benefits of an increasingly mature and now thoroughly robust school have come on the back of hard work, encouragement, tough love and nurture from a growing school family over the years - I found myself reflecting on the obvious parallels of the individual child development within the schools. 

It'll be back to a more usual week after a good rest this weekend. I hope it is a peaceful one for all.

This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

I mentioned a couple of editions ago that our assemblies this half-term are shining a spotlight on diversity and inclusion in our world.  This week we thought about what makes a ‘family’ and the children’s responses, once again, confirmed the fact that they uphold the values of tolerance and respect without hesitation.  

Pelican News

Next week....

Please see the School calendar and SOCs for more details and timings

Year 8 CE Mock Exams

Year 8 CE Mock Exams

30th Jan - 1st February

Taunton Music Festival

30th Jan - 3rd February

Details have been sent to those parents whose children are involved

Taunton Music Festival
Year 4 Maths Challenge

Year 4 Maths Challenge

Tuesday 31st January

Some of our children have been selected to take part in a Maths Challenge at Red Maids High School.

Upcoming Events



Week commencing 30th January

If you require day prep provision for your child next week please book them in using the link below. The booking form will close at 9.15 am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.   

If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes next week please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.

Day Prep Booking Form
A Few Words from...Leon Enzler

A Few Words from...Leon Enzler

This term's Deputy Head Boy

Hello, my name is Leon. I am Deputy Head Boy this term. 

This term is hockey season, and it is the best sport with rugby. Every boy really likes hockey. It is my first year, and the sporting spirit in hockey is great. I am French and I am finding this completely different to French schools. Boarding is also fun. This weekend we went to Clip'n Climb. It was amazing!  

The mock exams are coming up, but we are still having lots of fun at break and at lunchtimes. The weekend is coming, it is a long weekend, and I am so excited because my parents are coming to England.  

It is also the Chinese New Year. This year is the water rabbit year or black rabbit. I hope that my Chinese friends will have a Happy New Year. 

I wish everybody luck for their exams.

Boarding Blog

by Anna Hardy

On Sunday afternoon we headed off to Clip’n Climb in Exeter. The children showed no fear as usual and attacked the colourful and varied array of climbing walls with gusto. Some of the walls were challenging and the stiffness I felt in my forearms for a few days afterwards was proof of this. The ‘beanstalk’ was much harder than it looked, so well done to Carter for getting to the top! It didn’t take long for the competitive side to come out in many of us and there were some very close races up a number of different climbs. The children were fantastic as always and a credit to themselves. It is now long weekend, so I hope the children rest up and the Year 8's do some revision, ready to take on the next few weeks before half term.

A View from the Rose Garden

Mrs Willmott's Class

3W have been enjoying studying a curious detective novel called, Ottoline and the Yellow Cat

Ottoline, the main character, likes solving mysteries and the class are currently helping each other find clues in an attempt to solve a number of crimes. Ottoline lives a unusual life as her parents spend most of their time travelling abroad collecting weird and wonderful artefacts for their numerous collections. 

Ottoline shares her parents’ apartment with a hairy, nugget-like character who is equally passionate about detective work. The very hairy Mr Monroe formerly lived in a bog in Norway and has since developed a strong dislike of cold and rain. 

In an attempt to become better detectives, 3W have been working on some essential skills such as spying and creeping through areas of the school unnoticed (although it has to be said that the latter skill needs some fine tuning!) 

The class have produced some fabulous work and there’s plenty more in the pipeline. It is a very exciting book and Mrs Willmott is enjoying it as much as the children! 

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends,


I had to chuckle this morning during chapel when I caught the eye of a child who was staring at me, with what seemed to be a look of disbelief. Children don’t usually stare at me so I went to take a closer look. The mentioned child was not wearing a King's Hall uniform and I realised that he was on a taster day. 

I didn’t give him a lick, in case that really freaked him out. However, I did give my friend Grace a quick face wash, which seemed to amaze him even more. I’m guessing he doesn’t have a school dog! Anyway, if he decides to come here, which I’m sure he will, having met me, he’ll soon get used to having the four legged fluffy one wandering around. 

As you can see from my picture, there are others in the school that treat me like a two-legged variety. I know that I have many human qualities but I don’t intend to start walking on my hind legs. Surely you hoomans have noticed that movement is far more dynamic if you use all four limbs! At present you’ve got absolutely no chance of catching any ducks or squirrels. And one more thing, I can run a 100 metre sprint in a faster time than Usain Bolt! You should try it when you’re next out on a walk, who knows, you might even win an Olympic medal. 

On that note, I’d like to wish you all a happy weekend and see you all next week.


Your Friend 


Snoops X

Mrs Naum's Tutor Group

Mrs Naum's Tutor Group

Year 6

Hello from 6N, 

What a frosty time we have been having! 6N remain in good spirits though. Many of them pushing on with great enthusiasm by running the chilly King’s loop on Tuesday lunchtimes and trying to better their times whilst having some fun. They have also been settling into lessons now they are in their third week back after the Christmas break. There are lots of fun topics being explored in the Year 6 curriculum at the moment, so here are a few specific moments the tutees have enjoyed so far: 

Pippa is enjoying Art because they are studying Still Life. 

Viphy is enjoying Science because they have recently dissected a rat!  

Channah is loving History because they re-enacted Thomas Becket’s gruesome death and she loves drama. 

Maddie is enjoying DT because she is making her own cookbook and we are all secretly hoping for some yummy treats coming our way soon!   

Laszlo is really enjoying Geography because they have been able to decorate their books with single use plastic as a reminder to be more environmentally aware! 

The tutor group is also very busy rehearsing for the upcoming Year 6 production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The tutor group is brimming with the buzz of Oompa Loompas, Golden tickets, Witches and Twits… and they cannot wait to bring the theatre alive with their dramatic interpretations of these much-loved characters.  

Have a wonderful Lent term everyone and stay safe out there in these chilly conditions! 

Academic Life


The Lent Term is always one full of musical excitement – the Taunton Music Festival, the Lent Term Concert and, of course, the House Music Competition to name but a few.

In class, pupils are also enjoying music in a myriad of ways:

Year 3s are learning that Evil Goblins Breathe Deadly Fire while they investigate which notes go with which lines in the treble clef.

Year 4s are dipping their toes into the world of graphic scores – creating musical soundscapes using lines and drawings instead of traditional musical notation.

Year 5s have been creating their own versions of the Minimalist masterpiece Riley in C. Short, repeated ‘cells’ of music all building up in layers to create a much more complicated-sounding whole piece.

Year 6s are in the midst of a series of keyboard practicals in which music-reading is being developed alongside a little pianistic technique. Upcoming repertoire will even include some Dance Monkey!

Year 7s are studying music written in the Impressionist style and are developing their aural analysis skills while learning a little more about instrumental timbre.

Year 8s are practising playing the twelve bar blues on keyboards and, by the end of term, should hopefully have mastered the chords, bass line and the tricky blues scale.

8S Geography Fieldwork Enquiry

8S Geography Fieldwork Enquiry

The cold, icy weather did not stop 8S heading off to the Quantocks on Tuesday to study a river from its source near Dead Woman’s Ditch to the mouth at Kilve beach. We did not fancy venturing up Crowcombe hill, so instead we stayed low with the minibus parking in Holford and set off up the hill to find the source on foot. The brisk walk was just what was needed to warm us all up before stopping to sketch and measure the river. We were treated to some beautiful sunshine and stunning scenery – it truly did look beautiful and we had a great day. The water was icy cold, but the children didn’t complain (too much) about getting their hands wet in order to get the necessary measurements they needed to prove if the river gets deeper and wider in the lower course. They also timed a rubber duck to see how the velocity changes downstream and in the middle course they took measurements to find out if the water is actually deeper and faster on the outside of a meander. We enjoyed a bit of free time at Kilve beach and it was lovely to have the sun on our backs as the children explored the rock pools and looked for fossils. It is always great to get the children outdoors seeing Geography in action, as well as putting all the theory they learn in the classroom into practice. The rest of Year 8 will get to go on this trip at a later date. 


Please see below a photo of this week's Chapel Servers

Sports Update

Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.

King's Hall Sport Twitter
Half Term Hockey Camp

Half Term Hockey Camp

Monday 13th February

For ages 10-14

10:00am - 3:00pm

Run at King's College, the Flourish hockey camps are for those hockey players who want to take their hockey to the next level and have a focused attitude towards doing so. 

The course will be led by England Hockey Level 4 and Great Britain Advanced Coach Programme qualified coaches with a wealth of experience in the talent pathway. All staff have an enhanced DBS check and hold first aid qualifications. The camp will focus on each individual player. They will be supported through various sessions focusing on pitch-based technical and tactical scenarios. 

Players will be encouraged to develop their own action plan going forward. You will need to bring your own packed lunch, snacks and plenty to drink. You will also need to bring appropriate clothing for the weather: indoor shoes, your own sticks, shin pads and gum shields (compulsory). Goalkeepers will also need to bring their own kit.

Book now
Half Term Netball Camps

Half Term Netball Camps

Monday 13th February

Year 3-6
During half term we will be offering a netball camp for girls in Year 3-6. It will be run by our King’s Hall Co-Director of Sport Mrs Foad and King’s College Head of Netball Miss Kemmish. The sessions will include skill work, game sense and match play. This is a great opportunity for the girls to increase their netball knowledge whilst having fun.
Year 7 and 8
9:00am to 3:00pm
King’s College Taunton and England Netball have collaborated to offer an excellent opportunity for girls in Years 7-10 who enjoy playing and want to increase their skill set and knowledge of the game at our Netball Youth Camp, headed up by experienced regional level coaches. The day will be packed with content and lots of opportunities to play the game! All abilities are welcome and will be catered for throughout the day.
Please click the links below for more information and to secure a place.

Book Now Year 3-6 Book Now Year 7 and 8

QUIZ NIGHT - Thursday 9th February

There are still some tickets available for the highly popular, excellent value and politely competitive FoKHS Quiz Night which returns to King’s Hall on Thursday 9th February.  

Pit your wits against fellow parents - and perhaps a table or two of teachers - while scouring the darkest reaches of your brain for long dormant, long forgotten general knowledge that you always knew would come in handy one day.  

Delicious grub will be served and please feel free to bring your own refreshments.   

If you are going to be a part of a team of six, please ensure that all team members use the same team name when booking their tickets.  If you are booking as an individual/couple we will create a team for you. 

Tickets are £15 per person and they can be booked via the School Portal calendar or by clicking here.  


Our school shop is open on Monday's and Wednesday's from 2:30 - 5pm.

The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!

Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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