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Prep (Ages 7-13)


24 February 2023

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

Assembly on Monday saw ‘Good Egg’ awards being handed out to one in each tutor group for making our school a better place in the first half of term.  Such a positive way to kick things off after the break and a reminder of how much we value kindness, consideration and collaboration.

We ended the last half of term with lots of music via the Taunton Music Festival and our own brilliant Lent Concert.  Also, in assembly on Monday, we unveiled, by drawing out at random, the song selections for the fun House Music competition that will take place on the last morning of term.  Mr DJ has gone for a theme of ‘Dance’ this year, so at home you may well find yourself subconsciously humming one of the following tunes more and more as the weeks go by: Shut Up and Dance With Me; Better When I’m Dancing; Can’t Stop The Feeling; Never Gonna, Not Dance Again.  As well as these songs, there will be Junior and Senior group performances from each House.

Many Year 8 children have been challenging themselves in the 13+ Scholarship arena this week. For those who wish to, it is a success to have put yourself forward, to expose yourself to the risks but give your best come what may.  It is always worth repeating that whilst there may well be varying degrees of momentary happiness and disappointment on hearing the outcomes down the line, we don’t want anyone to celebrate too heartily or to carry any temporary sadness too weightily. We wish for all children at all ages to be stretched and challenged as they develop and for some the scholarship framework provides this.  The Scholarship process is not a destination but just one of a variety of experiences along the route to explore your full potential and foster resilience.

There have also been Parents Evenings, Pancake Races, a full set of matches, play rehearsals for Year 6, Saturday Activities, Ash crosses on foreheads from Fr Mark in Chapel - so, no sense of easing back in: get your ‘Dance’ song playing, put the pedal to the metal and away we go.

This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

We have started this half of term with plenty to be excited about as we staged the annual Great Pre-Prep Pancake Race on Shrove Tuesday and held this term’s Very Big Important Meeting in which the children democratically reached a mutual agreement as to how they would like to celebrate World Book Day next Thursday (2 March).  On top of this, there is already plenty of excitement for STEM Week buzzing around the place as children have informed me they have sorted their costumes and are looking forward to what the week has in store.  After that, we will be heading into all things Easter, so it looks like we have plenty to keep us busy for the rest of the Lent term! 

Pelican News

Next Week....

Please see the School calendar and SOCs for more details and timings

Monday 27th

Monday 27th

Year 3 Parent Teacher Meetings

Taking place in the Rose Garden classrooms

Tuesday 28th

Shakespeare Explorer Drama Workshop - The Tempest

Years 1-6

Tuesday 28th
Thursday 2nd

Thursday 2nd

Council Education Day

Upcoming Events



Week commencing 27th February

If you require day prep provision for your child next week please book them in using the link below. The booking form will close at 9.15 am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.   

If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes next week please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.

Day Prep Booking Form

Boarding Blog

by Anna Hardy

A great first week back after half term. It is reassuring to have the ‘buzz’ back in and around school and the children have definitely been in high spirits this week. We have celebrated a birthday, welcomed lots of new faces to boarding and some of the Year 8's have been put through their paces taking part in the 13+ scholarship process.  

On Wednesday evening the children had their fill of sweets, crisps or chocolate as it was tuck night. I walked around the areas to find the children, fuelled by sugar, either having a Nerf battle, playing air hockey, attempting an impossible puzzle, playing computer games and some were even on the phone to their parents! Thursday evening saw more fun and games as Matron organised some after dinner games in the dining room followed by more activities in the sports hall. It will not be long before we will be able to head outdoors as the nights are finally starting to get lighter and it's encouraging to see daylight as we open the curtains in the morning now. Bring on the spring I say! hank you 

A View from the Rose Garden

Mrs Foster's class

Fun with 4F in English! Inspired by the poetry of Benjamin Zephaniah, the children worked in groups to write their own version of Football Mad in the style of the poet. Each child wrote a verse of six lines describing what Trevor did on the football pitch, actions not always associated with football for the reader's amusement! They rehearsed their poems outside in groups then performed to a class audience. Wonderful afternoon of writing and performance poetry! 

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends,

Some time ago I wrote about a couple of remarkable dogs that were awarded medals for bravery during wartime. This week, while studying my canine history, I learned about a ‘real character of a dog’ called Rufus; in fact, there were two Rufus’. (I wonder if the plural of Rufus is Rufi?). Anyway, the mentioned hound, although not involved in combat, padded around the House of Commons during the second world war and he belonged to non-other than Sir Winston Churchill. I have to admit to being particularly taken by this story as Rufus (and subsequently Rufus II) were poodles.

As you know, dogs have always walked alongside the great and the good — not to mention the notorious and the terrible.

Churchill’s loyal, mischievous and undeniably cuddly, canine companion held a special place in his heart. Sir Winston Churchill was a lover of animals and you might already know that he spent years painting goldfish at Chartwell. Lesser known is the fact that he was a big softie. Rufus is thought to have accompanied Churchill to Buckingham Palace, but he was rebuffed when he was about to enter the Cabinet Room.

“No, Rufus”, said the Prime Minister, “I haven’t found it necessary to ask you to join the wartime Cabinet”.

At Chequers, during the reign of Rufus II, Churchill covered the poodle’s eyes when watching the scene in Oliver Twist in which Bill Sykes attempts to drown Bullseye, saying,

“Don’t look now, dear. I’ll tell you about it afterwards”.

Rufus II, who had breath like a ‘flamethrower’, ate with the family in the dining room, on a Persian rug and was served by a butler.

When at home, his master wasn’t averse to leaving a Commons debate to telephone and enquire after his wellbeing.

So, there you go, a famous poodle. Do you know, I couldn’t find any mention of famous cockapoos on the internet? Maybe I could raise my profile and become the first!

On that note, I would like to wish you all a happy weekend.

Your fluffy friend

Snoops X

Mr Frost's Tutor Group

Mr Frost's Tutor Group

Year 7

Hello all family and friends of King's Hall.

We finished the first half of term with much to show for, not least of which was a Gold medal for national shooting U13s, worn by an immensely proud young man of 7F. The children returned from half term with more intriguing exploits from their short break but needed little reminding of the excitement that beckons this Lent term. There's a buzz around the school with children humming a few songs in particular. Of course we are talking about the infamous house music competition. The children are excited and are having regular meetings in tutor time to which the words have been uttered: "it will be glorious, win or lose".

Academic Life



In Year 3 and 4 we have been looking at what it takes to be a good digital citizen. They have been working on honing in their technical skills, while learning about good online conduct and safe practices. This has involved some great discussions about how to handle contact from strangers and who we can talk to if we need advice. They have also really enjoyed developing skills from learning how to drag and drop by rounding up sheep into a pen, to learning about touch typing with a dancing hippo and a DJ goat! 

Year 5 have been working on their PowerPoint skills, and using them to create some animal fact files. They have used the internet to collate facts and figures about their chosen animal and tried to design it to look like an animal information sign at a zoo. Throughout this project they have had to become more familiar with colour theory and what makes a good and engaging poster. 

Year 6, 7 and 8 meanwhile have been working on 3D design. 

Year 6 are exploring the world of CAD design for the purposes of 3D printing. They have been tasked with creating a keyring using TinkerCAD. They have made some very pleasing progress in their designs so far and are in the final stages of adjusting so they are ready to print. This project is a cross curricular one between ICT and DT, and at the end will have printed their design to keep and take home. 

Year 7 and 8 on the other hand have been focusing on some larger scale 3D design. This term they are looking at architectural design. Using Google SketchUp they have begun designing 2 storey houses in a set plot of land. At the moment, the focus has been on creating realistic floorplans and practical designs, and in the coming weeks those floorplans will soon become fully 3 dimensional designs with design materials, doors, furniture and much more! 

Friends of King's Hall Quiz

Friends of King's Hall Quiz

Over 80 parents - and a healthy dose of KH teachers too - gathered in the Arts Centre the week before half term, for the much-anticipated Quiz Night, which had been much-cancelled in the last few Covid-compromised years. It was a delight to have this event back in the calendar, and 14 teams answered a close-fought 9 rounds of questions, which ranged from the last English King killed in battle (Richard III) to  the only country with a tree on its flag (Lebanon) to the worst-rated service station in the country (Bridgwater). In the end, the STEM the Flow team, comprised entirely of KH teachers, triumphed, having edged ahead with a full 10/10 on the quotations round. (It may be that, afterwards, one of those quotations seemed apposite*, but parents consoled themselves that their offspring are in the hands of such a clever and knowledgable bunch.)

Many thanks to Minky Luard, Becks Joslin for helping to organise everything, Justin for his scoring skills, Liz and the catering team for their fine spread, and Brenda for overseeing such a successful return of the event.

* “every time a friend succeeds, a little part of me dies” - Gore Vidal

A message from the Pupil Council

Thursday 23rd March

Thursday 23rd March

Raising money for the RSPCA - West Hatch Animal Centre

The Pupil Council invite you to get involved on Thursday 23rd March for a suggested donation of £2 or more if you wish the children will be able to wear home clothes to school for the day in support of the amazing work the RSPCA provide. Make a difference to animals housed locally at West Hatch Animal Centre. Here are a few photos of some of the animals currently at the centre.

Sports Update

Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.

King's Hall Sport Twitter
Summer Sailing

Summer Sailing

David Hands

It is at this time in the year when I start planning the sailing program for the Summer Term.  If you have a child in Year 5 –8 that you think would like to sail each Wednesday, please could you contact me as soon as possible. The cost of each session is usually £15 to £20 ahead depending on numbers.  There is no previous experience necessary as the children are taught by RYA qualified instructors during the term your children will receive qualifications as they reach the appropriate standards. Places are limited so if you would like to find out more information and sign up please do email me.

Also if you would like your child to get some extra sailing practice in,  Wimbleball will be offering sessions during the summer holiday - Ospreys Sailing Weeks, RYA courses for children aged 8 to 18 on various dates. Please contact them direct  by emailing - learn2sailwsc@gmail.com

Easter Residential Sports Camp

Easter Residential Sports Camp

3 - 5 April 2023

For Children aged 8 - 15. This exciting new residential camp at King's College is designed to help players develop their skills and techniques in a broad range of sporting activities, whilst having fun and making new friends in a safe and supportive environment. Over three days, children will gain access to a team of experienced coaches and have the chance to explore some of our wonderful facilities, including the state-of-the-art Sports Performance & Cricket Centre, netball and tennis dome, as well as sprawling sports pitches. 

To register or find out more visit the website www.kings-taunton.co.uk/events or email or phone Admissions - 01823 328204

A leaflet containing more information is available by clicking the link below

Walkers Academy Performing Arts Camp - 'Matilda' 5-11 Years

Walkers Academy Performing Arts Camp - 'Matilda' 5-11 Years

11th-13th April

For school years Reception to Year 6

Join workshops from the world famous Matilda film and stage show. The programme will include learning songs, dances, staging and acting for castings from Matilda, delivered by Walker Performing Arts Academy. Train with working industry professionals from TV, film and theatre, and take part in a fun Acting for Camera and Casting workshop with a professional cameraman from Clockwise Films. Learn new skills in dance, drama and singing whilst growing in confidence, having fun and being creative. No experience necessary, just the passion and focus to embrace Performing Arts.

The workshops will run for three days at £195 per child, or there is the option to book two days or less for £75 per day.

Payments need to be made online via BACS

Further information


Our school shop is open on Monday's and Wednesday's from 2:30 - 5pm.

The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!

Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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