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Prep (Ages 7-13)


21 April 2023

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

We have kicked off the final session of the year.  Summer uniform, summer attitude, summer swimming, summer lighter evenings…..but not quite summer weather just yet!

There is always much anticipation and great enthusiasm for all that will unfold in the term ahead. This includes class work as ever, exams for many, trips small and large (including the French Alps for Year 7), completing any ambitions set for the year and then beginning to peek over the horizon to what September will bring, at the same time as finishing with poise and composure. The first strides into this term have been taken with confidence this week.

At the other end of this term, on the morning of Friday 30 June, we will have our Prize Day (for all Prep children – Pre-Prep end the day before with their Summer Show).

Following the Prize Giving and a Concert, parents are encouraged to bring picnics for lunch to enjoy on the front field as a social end to the more formal aspects of the morning. Obviously Covid made this impossible in 2020 and 2021 so to make sure we haven’t lost this institutional memory I wanted to make everyone aware that this is a very genial way to communally conclude the year before heading off into the Summer holidays.

After the concert, Year 8 and their parents are invited to have a valedictory drink with the staff before their picnics but fingers crossed for fair weather and a chance to spread a rug or two for a little while.

So, in between the first and last days, we have to live the present and throw ourselves fully into whatever task is in front of us each day and enjoy the shared experiences they offer. I look forward to seeing you along the way.


This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

It has been a (mostly) sunny start to this summer term in which the children have returned with restored vigour and enthusiasm for all that lies ahead over the coming weeks.  There was a great deal of excitement in assembly on Monday morning as we reflected on all the events and activities that take place this term with the little things such as wearing summer uniform (no top buttons and ties!) and playtimes on the field being held in as high esteem as the bigger things such as swimming, summer shows and the Y2 sleepover.  

Pelican News

School Calendar

Don't forget to check the Portal and SOCs for details and timings of what is happening this term - it's a busy one!

Advance dates for your diary ...

Bank Holidays

Monday 1st & Monday 8th May

A reminder that school is closed to day pupils on Monday 1st and to all pupils on Monday 8th May.

Bank Holidays
Friends of King's Hall Coffee Mornings

Friends of King's Hall Coffee Mornings

Tuesday 2nd May & Tuesday 13th June

Come along to the Woodard Room for a coffee after you have dropped your child/ren off at school.

King's Coronation Country Fete

Monday 8th May

Arranged by friends of families of King's Hall.

King's Coronation Country Fete

Boarding Blog

by Jake Eyers

The arrival of the children this Sunday breathed life back into the boarding house and it’s been lovely to hear about all the exciting things they have got up to over their weeks away. We have welcomed some new (and familiar!) additions and they have quickly become firm members of our boarding family. It hasn’t taken long for everyone to settle back into their normal school routine, and we have already seen chess matches, bike races, board games, and so much more.

We have also welcomed Miss Chippendale back to the boarding house for the Summer term. She has got stuck back in with her normal infectious enthusiasm and it feels like she never went away!

We have lots of great things planned for this term, from weekend trips to evening activities. We really are never bored in boarding! This weekend we are going to Crealy which is always a crowd favourite.

If anyone would like to come and spend some time in boarding, please email bookboarding@kingshalltaunton.co.uk we would love to see you.


A few words from this term's Head Girl ...


Hi everyone, my name is Natasha and I am this term’s Head Girl. 

I can’t believe that this is my last term at King’s Hall!  I am really looking forward to all of the exciting things that we are doing over the summer term.  It is going to be really busy.  Everyone is ready for the cricket season.  We have just had our first practice sessions, and matches for most start next week.  Of course, we also have lots of swimming, athletics and riding to look forward to.  This term, twelve Year 8 girls and boys are also going to participate in the Exmoor Challenge.  This is a tough 16 mile walk across Exmoor, competing against other schools.  We will also be raising money for charity and we hope that you will support us.  I am hoping for good weather for this and for everyone’s outdoor activities this term. 

In 8S, we are each working on a project of our choice and we will be presenting it at the end of this half term.  The theme is ‘Power’ and I am looking forward to finding out what everyone has discovered.  Also, best of luck to those in Year 8 who are revising for their CE exams, which take place in a few weeks’ time.  

I hope that everyone enjoys a great start to the term.   

A View from the Rose Garden

Mrs Gompels' class

The children in 3G are full of energy and smiles that time seems to have whizzed by.  It has also been very topical as we celebrated a birthday and many children chose telling the time as one of their targets.  As a result the children have had immense fun practising this key skill by making a human clock and working out the time.  We hope time won’t go too fast though because we have a North Curry trip, Arts Week and our Watersports and Overnight camp as just some of this term’s highlights to look forward to!  

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends, 


Well, here it is: Proper Springtime/the Summer approach. Whichever, I’m loving it. There are so many good smells on my walks. The hedgehogs have come out of their winter hiding places and the bouncy baby rabbits are simply adorable.  

I can’t help thinking that I look like a lamb myself, with my new, short haircut for the warmer weather.  

I have to say that your young hoomans are all looking cool in their summer attire. We’re hoping that the fields will be dry enough for playtimes next week. We all love the fields but sorry about the grass-stains in advance! Even my paws and ears turn green after running in the lush, fresh grass. Other than grass stains, there are just a few other downsides about field time (for parents, that is!). The scrubbing brush needs to be incorporated into the bath time routine, school jumpers morph into their secondary role of temporary goalposts (any missing ones might be found on the school field), and pockets get filled with interesting field finds such as daisies, buttercups, beech nuts and dead woodlice; to name but a few. 

Even when a sunny day is done and the children and pooches are suitably tired and ready for their beds and baskets, what better way to end the day than a relaxing read on the comfy sofas in the library? Getting a sneaky cuddle at the same time is a bonus for me; as well as it being the perfect squirrel lookout post.  

Just talking about summer evenings is making me feel chilled and happy. I can’t wait for you all to get those BBQs fired up, especially if you’re an overzealous sausage turner. I just love it when the odd one rolls off the grill. I have the amazing ability to inhale them before they even touch the ground.  

Let’s hope the sun continues to shine this weekend. Have a good one folks. 


Your Friend  


Snoops X 

Madame Harvey's Year 8 tutor group

And so here we are; our final term at King’s Hall after a reviving 3 weeks away from school. We have been busy.  

After our wonderful house music competition, Barnie went off to a swimming gala and then had to get home and do final preparations for the school ski trip which meant a midnight wake-up call. He also got a motorbike so spent a lot of time riding it around the farm.

Carter and Alistair were also lucky enough to go on the school ski trip.

Noah travelled further afield, in fact halfway around the world to see his family and friends in New Zealand. He also got to go to Fuji and really loved the snorkelling.

Rafe stayed at home but did go to Bristol to see Waldo’s Circus of Magic and Terror.

Leon also had the chance to go home to France and went to the Matterhorn for part of the holiday. He was able to ski in Italy and Switzerland as well.

Kate spent two days in Coventry playing water polo where she scored two goals, helping her team to win.

Frankie enjoyed shopping in London.

Blanca was very happy to return to Spain to see family and friends and she went into the countryside, spending four days there.

Sofiia was able to travel back to the Ukraine for the first time, to see family and friends too.

There are many highlights of this term that we are all looking forward to, especially once Common Entrance is out of the way! Watch this space for news of the Year 8 fete and the North Devon trip which both take place after half term. 

Hobbies & Activities

A child’s learning goes beyond the classroom and they benefit from the development of their own specific interests and skills. To supplement such growth, we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities led by our enthusiastic staff making the most of our own fantastic facilities as well as those at King’s College. 

Jewellery Hobby

It’s a really fun and relaxing way to end the week (for Mrs Cole and the pupils!). Pupils from all year groups are welcome and the children are able to use a vast selection of beads and other resources to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings. I know many parents have already benefitted from some beautiful gifts!

Spec Art

Spec Art hobby is open to budding artists in Year 7. In Year 7 they will experiment with a variety of different mediums and also be set holiday art projects. They will research familiar as well as unknown artists and create pieces based on their styles/techniques. In Year 8 the pupils who have managed to compete all of the summer holiday work might be invited to sit an Art scholarship to the College. This will involve presenting a portfolio of artwork, sketch books and a final piece. We are currently studying lino printing.

Croquet Club

The sun is out and also the mallets! Founded in France in the 1600s the children will play the sedate yet ruthless game of croquet. It is mentioned in Alice in Wonderland using live flamingoes and although our version does not include birds we have had our four-legged friend Snoops participate enthusiastically in a few games.


Please click below to see this week's sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.

King's Hall Sport Twitter

King's Hall School Shop

Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30 - 5pm.

The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!

Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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