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Prep (Ages 7-13)


20 January 2023

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

A frosty week has brought the beauty of winter and the hazards of living rurally with icy conditions in equal measure. Well done to those combatting tricky commutes to keep normal routines going.  Many of you, along with some staff, have had their journeys doubled in length.

I am going on a journey very early tomorrow morning myself as I head off to visit our schools in Doha and Riyadh.  We haven’t visited since late 2019 for covid reasons so it will be good to catch up in Doha and see in Riyadh a school in action from what was just a concept back then.

There are now 720 children at King’s College, Doha up to Year 10: those who started in Year 4 are now into their GCSE programme.  King’s College, Riyadh has 350 children up to Year 4 having been open for four terms.

Simon Worthy, our DFO, is joining me for the Riyadh visit and Jonty Lawford, Deputy Head Academic at our College here, is with me for the Doha leg.  As well as a major thrust being to provide and benefit from peer support and review in the schools, there are several engagements with parents, naturally, and with the likes of sponsors, Embassies as well as government officials including the UK DiT and DfE.  The second site in Doha is due to open soon as construction completes meaning there is also a launch event about this exciting development while I am there. This new campus will be for Years 3 to 13 children with the current site becoming a Pre-Prep.

Finally, now we are through covid and able to re-engage properly, we are looking to rekindle and fan to flames the first sparks of collaboration between the schools we began a few years ago. There are plenty of shared opportunities to grasp.

A busy few days lie in wait, with every hour put to good use in the programme, so I am hoping to get an early night –  but I find that never works for me.

This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

We started the week on ‘Blue Monday’ and then slipped, slid, and skidded through the rest of the week but have arrived at Friday in good spirits...phew!  One of the many joys of working with little humans is that they do not allow you to be ‘blue’ but do allow you to see the awe and wonder of ice through their eyes and learn again to appreciate the beauty of a frozen spider’s web or the excitement of discovering a frozen puddle.

Pelican News

Next week....

Please see the School calendar and SOCs for more details and timings

Monday 23rd January

Monday 23rd January

Year 7 Parent Pupil Teacher Meetings

This is for 7S and HX as per timings sent to those attending and will be taking place in the Arts Centre

Tuesday 24th January

Friends Of King's Hall Coffee Morning

Friends Of King's Hall Coffee Morning

This will be taking place in the Woodard Room

8S Geography Field Trip

8S Geography Field Trip

8S are visiting the Quantock Hills and Kilve beach

Thursday 26th January

Thursday 26th January

Somerset SAINT HPV Vaccinations

Somerset SAINT immunisation team at school to administer the HPV vaccine to those children in Year 8 who have submitted consent.

Friday 27th January

Friday 27th January

Start of Long Weekend

School finishes at 4:30. There will be no after school activities/hobbies or day prep.

Upcoming Events



Week commencing 23rd January

If you require day prep provision for your child next week please book them in using the link below. The booking form will close at 9.15 am on Monday; if you need to make a late booking or make any changes after this time please let us know by emailing SchoolOffice@kingshalltaunton.co.uk.   

If your child uses School transport and you need to make any changes next week please email Transport@kingshalltaunton.co.uk to let us know.

Day Prep Booking Form
A Few Words from...Ffion King

A Few Words from...Ffion King

This term's Head Girl

Hi everyone, my name is Ffion and I am this term’s Head Girl. 

We have already completed the first two weeks back at school and everyone has really hit the ground running. I know in 8S we are all working hard in preparing for our 13+ exams in February. In sport, the first few hockey and netball fixtures have gone really well. Despite chilly weather, matches ended up with great results across the year groups. On Wednesday in the netball team, we went to Millfield to play a Tournament, we had lots of match play and played really well. 

On Saturday the Somerset Schools Cross Country fixtures are taking place, good luck to all those who are running.   

We also have some children, who are preparing for the Taunton Festival of Arts in the next few weeks with music as well as speech and drama pieces, good luck! 

I also want to say a big well done and congratulations to all Year 6 candidates who have participated in the 11+ scholarship tests in the last week and hope that everyone did their best. Year 6 are also busy with lots of drama rehearsals for their end of term play. I can’t wait to watch it!  

Hope everyone has a great start to the term! 

Boarding Blog

by Anna Hardy

Blue drinks, bowling and basketball 

Another week has flown by and despite the cold, wet weather, we are all still smiling. On Sunday we headed off to Hollywood Bowl and I challenged the children to beat me (I'm not competitive or anything). Fuelled by Slushies of the red or blue variety, they gave it a good go, but only Mr Eyers was able to able to beat my score of 104. However, the second game was a different story, well I had to give them a chance, and I was rubbish! Leon scored a cracking 126 – great score and I had to admit defeat.  

It was great to have ‘Iggy’ (an iguana teddy) joining us on at the bowling alley – Mrs Coles’ tutor group take it in turns to take him out for the weekend  and he was spending time with Eunis.

Supper on Sunday was very yummy, finished off with ice cream and jelly – what more could you wish for. 

A View from the Rose Garden

Mrs Foster's Class

4F have been reading The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. They explored the different settings and discussed similarities and differences with England and South Africa. The chapter about Bertie in South Africa really captured the children's imaginations and we offered a creative activity where they became the authors of the next chapter! Using the modern Timbavati map as inspiration (the location of Bertie's home), they imagined what might happen to the white lion cub. Would Bertie go outside the compound to find him? Would the cub appear again? Here are a few of the story books from 4F so you can read their version of the next part of the story.

Year 4 Outdoor Education

Year 4 Outdoor Education

Mrs Hayden-Briffett

This week saw the Year 4 children building stick houses for Eeyore as part of our celebration of Winnie the Pooh day.  Having reminded the children of the characters in the book and re-read some of this delightful story, we then headed into the woods to create homes for the gloomy Eeyore.  Much fun was had by all and much learned about the best ways to construct a structure to try and keep a grumpy donkey happy! 

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends


I haven’t been terribly keen on this week’s weather. My walks have been soggy, and I’ve had to take a few extra baths, which isn’t my favourite pastime.


When the weather is fine, one of the many things I enjoy doing, is visiting the King's Schools’ Equestrian Centre, with our talented young riders. You will see some of my boarding friends in the photo I’ve posted. Saturday is a busy day for riding lessons at the centre and I have seen lots of our pupils coming and going. I’m getting to know some of the ponies, and I think they’re becoming rather fond of me too. There’s naughty Minnie, who the children love. In Channah’s words, “she’s cheeky but fast”. Then there’s Ollie or ‘King Ollie’ as he’s fondly known. He’s the biggest, strongest pony but he’s a gentle giant. Another favourite is the not so dainty Dolly never fails to entertain, with her amusing noises from the rear end; that impressively keep in time with her trotting! 


While looking for my photo at the equestrian centre I came across my reindeer portrait from before Christmas. I think it will make you chuckle, so I’ve included with my diary entry. 


Have a lovely weekend friends and see you soon.


Your buddy


Snoops X

Mr Stannett's Tutor Group

Mr Stannett's Tutor Group

The Lent term is now well underway and the tutor group have returned with enthusiasm and stories from their Christmas holidays.   

We have discovered that several of my tutor are exceptional at solving riddles and Rubik cubes and others are budding magicians or engineers. We have a weekly show and tell slot during tutor time on a Friday and I am very much enjoying watching the students' presentations and listening to their hobbies and interests. We have super scientists, cracking chefs, outstanding readers, and A1 athletes, but most of all I have been pleased to see that the tutor group support each other and are kind to one another - who could ask for more?    

Wishing you happy new year from Mr Stannett's tutor group. 

Academic Life


It has been a busy first two weeks for the history department and as always there has been lots to do!  

Year 3

Year 3 have been investigating how Iron Age Britain was divided into tribes.  They have been looking at some in more detail, finding out the sorts of things they were known for.  For example the Coritani were largely an agricultural tribe and were one of the first tribes to use coins, whereas the Iceni were good metal workers, making lots of jewellery and decorative items from gold, silver and bronze.  

Year 4

Year 4 are learning about life in Roman Britain. They have read about the life of children and adults and watched cartoon video clips following the life of families in Roman Britain. 4F have looked at similarities and differences of ancient Roman towns and modern British towns. Very interesting! The pictures below show the children taking a creative approach, imagining a young Roman visiting his friend in one of the towns. Notice they have to visit the different places within the city walls, in the order of the time on the clocks. Cross curricular links with Maths, History and English! Good fun! 

Year 5

In Year 5 this term we are moving from the Viking era onto the Norman Conquest.  We are looking forward to learning about The Battle of Hastings and having our very own election campaign to vote in the best King of England. 

Year 6

Year 6 have finished investigating justice in the Middle Ages. Most agree that the Manorial court and the Jury represent justice, but that being thrown in a lake with your hands and feet tied, to find out if you are innocent or guilty does not! They are moving on to study how Medieval Kings’ managed the Church and their Barons. This started with the famous ‘who dun it’ of Henry II and Thomas Becket role play and the pictures below show an upset Henry (Jinesh) shouting the immortal words ‘who will rid me of this turbulent priest’ and Archbishop Becket (Sam) getting attacked by the knights. 

Year 7

Year 7 have continued their studies on the Tudor dynasty and this term’s focus has been on Henry’s children beginning with Edward VI. With the religious roller-coaster that is the Tudor family there will be numerous interesting rebellions and plots to investigate. The debate on whether Mary Tudor deserves the nickname ‘Bloody Mary’ will no doubt split opinion. After half term we will be looking at the reign of Queen Elizabeth and the ever-popular planned invasion by the Spanish. 

Year 8

Year 8’s preparation has been focused on the scholarship exams, which take place after half term, and preparation for the essay section of Common Entrance. This work has entailed the revision of content from Year 7 as well as the development of the skills needed for a successful essay. I am sure all of Year 8 will do themselves proud in the next few weeks. 


Please see below a photo of this week's Chapel Servers

Sports Update

Again what a challenging week of weather we have had but as always the children battled through the cold to get some excellent acheievements. This week also saw the infamous King's Loop return, the grounds are looking amazing thanks to our wonderful grounds team, the children felt very lucky "It felt like running in Center Parcs!"

All this cold weather certainly makes for some beautiful starts to the day!

Well done everyone on another great week!

Please click below to see more sporting updates via our King's Hall Sport Twitter feed.

King's Hall Sport Twitter
Half Term Netball Camps

Half Term Netball Camps

Monday 13 February

Year 3-6
During half term we will be offering a netball camp for girls in Year 3-6. It will be run by our King’s Hall Co-Director of Sport Mrs Foad and King’s College Head of Netball Miss Kemmish. The sessions will include skill work, game sense and match play. This is a great opportunity for the girls to increase their netball knowledge whilst having fun.
Year 7 and 8
9:00am to 3:00pm
King’s College Taunton and England Netball have collaborated to offer an excellent opportunity for girls in Years 7-10 who enjoy playing and want to increase their skill set and knowledge of the game at our Netball Youth Camp, headed up by experienced regional level coaches. The day will be packed with content and lots of opportunities to play the game! All abilities are welcome and will be catered for throughout the day.
Please click the links below for more information and to secure a place.

Book Now Year 3-6 Book Now Year 7 and 8

QUIZ NIGHT - Thursday 9th February

There are still some tickets available for the highly popular, excellent value and politely competitive FoKHS Quiz Night which returns to King’s Hall on Thursday 9th February.  

Pit your wits against fellow parents - and perhaps a table or two of teachers - while scouring the darkest reaches of your brain for long dormant, long forgotten general knowledge that you always knew would come in handy one day.  

Delicious grub will be served and please feel free to bring your own refreshments.   

If you are going to be a part of a team of six, please ensure that all team members use the same team name when booking their tickets.  If you are booking as an individual/couple we will create a team for you. 

Tickets are £15 per person and they can be booked via the School Portal calendar or by clicking here.  

Message from the Medical Centre

Year 8 HPV vaccinations

Year 8 HPV vaccinations

Thursday 26th January

Thank you to those parents that have completed the consent via Somerset SAINT for the HPV vaccinations.

If you have not yet completed the form, this is required whether or not you wish for your son/daughter to have the vaccine administered. Deadline for completion is is midday on the 25th January.

You will need to enter our unique code for King's Hall which is SM123934 

Further information can be found below as well as the consent form for completion.

If you have any queries or your son or daughter has already receieved the vaccine, please contact Somerset SAINT directly

Consent Form Further information


Our school shop is open on Monday's and Wednesday's from 2:30 - 5pm.

The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items, shop opening times and payment details, please click the links below:
Nursery and Pre-prep

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

Do you Have a Story? Get in Touch!

Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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