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Prep (Ages 7-13)


16 June 2023

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


by Justin Chippendale

Arts Week has brought us a visual and auditory feast and my nose has also been treated as the smell of suncream has been very prevalent this last week!

There have been so many picture perfect scenes of children out and about learning, rehearsing, listening, watching, laughing, trying, risking, confounding, dancing, competing, understanding, overcoming, auditioning, sharing, entertaining or simply just playing: there really can't be many better places to be a child this age having to go to school than this week in this setting with this weather.

The Newsletter will have evidence of a glorious week full of all that has happened here at School - and I know there is some evidence online of all the fun Year 8 are having: what a week to be enjoying activities by the coast!

Finally, good luck to those Year 7 completing their final packing and heading to bed early for a very prompt start in the morning!! Bon voyage and we look forward to hearing of your adventures abroad.

This Week in Pre-Prep...

This Week in Pre-Prep...

by Claire Luckhurst

There was definitely a buzz of excitement in the air on Monday as the children looked forward to their ‘shuffle-up’ afternoon into their respective September classes.  Every child I saw was keen to tell me who their new teacher was going to be when I joined them on the field after speaking to parents and they all had beaming smiles which I have taken as clear indication they were happy with the glimpse into what their next step on their King’s Hall journey looks like.

Pelican News


Year 7 French trip

Saturday 17 - Friday 23 June

KCT Year 8 Induction Day

Monday 19 June

Year 4 to Year 5 next steps meeting

Monday 19 June
Arts Centre

Year 5 Boarding Taster evening

Monday 19 June

Year 5 Book Club

Tuesday 20 June

Year 6 Boarding Taster evening

Tuesday 20 June

Year 8 trip to the Bristol Hippodrome to see The Lion King

Wednesday 21 June

Speech & Drama examinations

Thursday 22 June

Prep Open Ballet session

Thursday 22 June
Woodard Room

Year 6 Book Club

Thursday 22 June

Speech & Drama examinations

Friday 23 June

Year 3 watersports and overnight stay

Friday 23 June


One to One Swimming Lessons in King's College Pool

One to One Swimming Lessons in King's College Pool

7 -11 August

Please click here to book

Arts Week

What a magical week it has been...

Arts Week is a time to celebrate and appreciate all the wonderful things that can be learnt from participating in music, dance, drama, performance, art, design and technology:

  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Design
  • Cooperation
  • Empathy
  • Resilience
  • Performance skills
  • Problem solving
  • Reading and comprehension skills
  • Emotional balance and wellbeing



With a sprinkle of magical snowflakes and some abracadabra, Michael Jordan with his High Jinx Magic Show kicked off the week with a bang!

With an excitable audience of all our Prep school pupils, Michael wowed us with card tricks, juggling, gravity-defying acts, optical illusions and much, much more. At one point he even made his own head shrink to the size of a lemon and then swell like a balloon! The audience were oooohing and ahhhing at his every move. Even the teachers were gob smacked at the mind-bending visual tricks he played. Who could figure out how he made a piece of rope break in two and go back together... all in the blink of an eye. What an amazing start to the week!  

The children from Years 3-6 then attended a magic workshop where they learnt several tricks to perform on family and friends with balls disappearing into cups, elastic bands swapping fingers and card tricks.

Everyone enjoyed every moment, and I am sure we have some talented magicians in the making!


Mark Rudduck from Squire Stage Combat taught Year 7 how to stage a fight scene ensuring NO ONE GETS HURT!

They were taught a range of basic techniques and how to portray stage violence effectively with correct actions and reactions. They also gained an understanding of the basic principles of stage combat including angles, staging and misdirection.  They then moved onto using swords and again learnt the fantastic skills needed to convince their audiences that they were really fighting.

The children had a great time and those children who really listened, choreographed their fights and rehearsed every move were amazing. Those with discipline, focus, teamwork skills and determination performed the best. There was lots of dramatic action and reactions!  Who will we see on television and in film in the future?


With Laura Walker from the Walkers Academy, the children learnt how to perform, act and tell a story all through movement.

Working with lots of enthusiastic children, amazing pieces of performance based on Harry Potter were created.  


Our Speech & Drama children were given the opportunity to perform their exam pieces to an audience...

The Speech & Drama Showcases were a lovely time to show parents what the children have been working on all term and good preparation for their exams next week. All children were confident at performing and the audiences enjoyed the entertainment of poetry and acting duologues. 






Working under the theme of ‘Magic’, pupils have been enjoying the opportunity to design and make their very own magic wands and explore a range of materials

With a chance to experiment with wrapping, gluing, and painting, and following our demonstrations, some children opted to jump straight in and begin adorning their sticks with the range of materials on offer. Many of the older year groups chose to create a more authentic, Harry Potter inspired version. With instruction and guidance on how to form and attach a handle, pupils went on to decorate this section with glue to create a more 3D effect, before embellishing these areas with bronzes, silvers, golds, and gems.

The room was certainly buzzing with creative responses, and it was a true delight to see the different outcomes, as well as the fun and engagement that ensued. We are now busy using our new creations to cast a range of spells, so you may be witness to a wave of the wand and hear many utterings of phrases such as ‘Cruciatus, Expelliarmus or a simple Abracadabra’!

Look out for more amazing Arts Week happenings in next week's newsletter!


This week, spec DT students had the unique opportunity to unleash their creativity and enhance their craftsmanship skills during a visit to the College's state-of-the-art workshop.

The hands-on experience allowed them to construct their very own handmade blackboards using an array of tools, including the laser cutter, electromagnetic sheet metal folder, and pillar drill.

The laser cutter, renowned for its precision, enabled the students to effortlessly shape and engrave intricate designs onto their blackboards. The electromagnetic sheet metal folder ensured seamless bends and folds in the metal, while the pillar drill allowed for precise holes to be drilled with ease. Throughout the workshop, the students learned essential skills such as measuring, cutting, shaping, and assembling the various components. They explored different techniques, combining their newfound knowledge with their artistic visions to bring their blackboards to life.

“The workshop experience was incredibly fulfilling, as it allowed us to apply theoretical knowledge and witness our designs materialize before our eyes," shared one of the enthusiastic students.

On Monday, Year 8 were excited to be heading off to Ultimate Adventure North Devon for the week!

Boarding Blog

Anna Hardy, Houseparent


This fantastic weather means we are loving being able to spend our evenings outside, but I am not so sure the children are as pleased about it being so light so early in the mornings! I have been teaching the children what a ‘dawn chorus’ is and how lucky we are to hear it, although they are not convinced that being woken up by “very noisy birds” at 5am does make them lucky!!  

Last weekend we headed off to Bristol for lunch at Zaza Bazaar. The children were brilliant at trying new foods they had never tried before and had fun using chopsticks, even using them to eat jelly! The amount of food consumed by all of us was impressive and several people proved that no matter how full you might be, there really is a separate stomach for dessert. The chocolate fountain and being able to use the ‘Mr Whippy’ machine were definite highlights. The short walk back to the minibus was a good thing and then most of the children slept all of the way home – eating is definitely exhausting!  

It has been very quiet this week without the Year 8s and Miss Chippendale around, we have heard they are having a great time in Devon. The Year 7s have been getting themselves organised for the French Trip leaving VERY early on Saturday morning, whilst the rest of us enjoy a lie in as it is a long weekend.  

Have a great weekend and bon voyage Year 7. 




If your child would like to come and see what it is like to board here and experience a night in school, we would love to welcome them to one of our Boarding Taster nights - there are still a few spaces so please click on the relevant link for more information and to book.  

Year 5 Boarding Taster Night (19 June) Year 6 Boarding Taster Night (20 June)

A few words from this term's Head Boy...


Hi everyone, my name is Jack and I am this term’s Head Boy. 

I finished my exams last week which went very well and this week I am lucky enough to be in Devon with everyone in Year 8. We have done some amazing activities like swimming in the sea, orienteering and archery. The highlight so far has been ‘The Big Sheep’, a big indoor play area with lots of fun exciting death slides. I am also looking forward to the high ropes. 

Recently we have also been planning for the Year 8 fete. We have to plan our own stalls, my group is doing a football penalty shoot out. It should be a really fun afternoon for everyone to enjoy. 

Next week Year 7 are going away to France, I hope they have fun like I did when I went. My favourite moment from the trip last year was kayaking and paddle boarding on the lake.  

There are lots of exiting things still to come before the holidays, I hope everyone enjoys the final couple of weeks of term. 


Mrs McDermott's Year 7 tutor group

It's been a busy and very sunny June so far ...

A View from the Rose Garden


Mrs Willmott is pleased to report that 3W are continuing to work exceptionally hard in lessons.

They are a kind and creative bunch, which makes for an all-round pleasurable learning experience.

As this will be the last update on 3W during this academic year, Mrs Willmott would also like to add that she is going to miss them being in her tutor group next year. However, they
won’t be too far away in the Rose Garden with their lucky Year 4 teachers!

Snoops' Diary

by Snoops the Dog


Dear Friends

You all know how much I love school but I have to admit that this week, I would have preferred to be on a beach. It’s only two weeks until my annual trip to Cornwall and the thought of those cool, emerald waters in rocky coves, has been foremost in my thoughts. Over the years I have learned that the best way to enjoy the beach is to find a shady spot behind a wind-break, dig myself a hole and plonk myself in so that the damp sand beneath the surface keeps me cool.

I presume you all know that unlike you hoomans, dogs can’t sweat to keep cool. That isn’t strictly true, we do have two sorts of sweat glands but they are totally ineffective so you’re correct, we still can’t sweat. The only way of releasing moisture from our bodies is by panting.

Luckily my hoomans have some very effective ways of keeping me cool and I have developed some of my own strategies. In Nursery this week I have taken to standing in a water tray for 30 minutes at a time. I just close my eyes, imagine a cool lake with ducks on it and in no time at all I start feeling refreshed!

In my ‘Snoops Doggy Care and Walking’ hobby on Tuesday the children learned about taking care of their canine friends in hot weather. We discovered that approximately 200 dogs a year die of heat stroke, and about 80 of those have been left in hot cars. As it was too hot to walk this week we spent our hobby time in the shade of the lovely trees by the library cabins and the children covered me in a cold, soaking wet towel.  Let me tell you, it was absolutely divine and I didn’t move for half an hour!

I’m going to share with you the other very handy tips for keeping dogs cool that my mini hooman friends discovered, because they are amazing and you might want to try them for yourselves (or more specifically, for your pets, that is!).

Your pooches at home are going to love these:

  1. The cold, wet towel (as mentioned above and modelled in my photo)
  2. Make weak ‘no added salt’ gravy ice cubes (in the dog world they are akin to a refreshing Calypso lolly!)
  3. Don’t walk us during the heat of the day (I’m sure you’ve all tried to walk barefoot on scorching hot sand. Well, imagine our paws on boiling hot tarmac and stone!)
  4. Make sure we have shady places to chill out, away from direct sun.
  5. A little chicken broth in our water bowls to encourage more fluid intake (that’s a sneaky one that I just thought up myself...)
  6. Get us a summer haircut (ditch the blonde fluff, in my case)
  7. Give us an extra treat, or two, to help cope with the heat. (OK, as you might have guessed, I just snuck that one in as a cheeky extra!)

On a serious note: please take care of your canine friends in the hot weather, enjoy the weekend and top up the Vitamin D.

See you all next week.

Your Friend
Snoops X


#CountyCupFinals .... good luck to the U13 girls and U13 & U11 boys who are all through to their respective County Cup Finals.

King's Hall School Shop

Our school shop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.30pm - 5pm.

The shop stocks all the uniform items your child needs and includes some second-hand clothing. 

For a list of uniform items and shop opening times, please click here

If you prefer to order online, please click here to visit the website.

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Has your child achieved something that you'd like to share with us? Email our marketing department: khsnews@kingshalltaunton.co.uk with your news and photos!

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