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Pre-Prep (Ages 2-7)

Year 2

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

Welcome to Year 2

During this year, children are encouraged to increase their independence to prepare them for their time in Prep. We build upon the strong academic and social foundation developed through our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Year 1, whilst retaining the practical style of learning appropriate for the child’s age.


Lessons and Teaching

In Year 2, children continue to be taught in mixed-ability classes with activities differentiated to meet individual academic needs and learning styles. They are heard to read every day and are expected to read every night at home.

Their progress is carefully tracked through weekly teacher assessments, as well as termly standardised assessments to ensure that their individual learning journeys can be carefully planned. The pupils also continue to receive French and Music lessons, and as a year group they enjoy numerous trips to support their learning, visiting places such as Longleat, Glastonbury Tor and Powderham Castle.


Opportunities and Responsibilities

Being at the top of Pre-Prep offers children the opportunity to act as a role-model to the younger children and they are given positions of responsibility. Each week, one child is chosen to be the Pre-Prep Ambassador. He/she is tasked with carrying out duties such as reading the prayers in assembly, collecting the bus register, signalling the end of playtime and assisting the Head of Pre-Prep in some of her duties. This is a highly coveted role which has to be earned and is only awarded to those who can be trusted to be guardians of the Golden Rules.

Golden time takes place every Friday afternoon. This is a reward time for all children who keep the Golden Rules. They are able to bring into school a small toy or game from home to share with their friends (no electronics please!), or if they would prefer, can choose from available activities in the classroom.

Merit badges are awarded at Friday assemblies. They are worn all week and returned the following Friday.

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