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Pre-Prep (Ages 2-7)

Forest School

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

What is Forest School?

Forest School sees the children exploring, investigating, taking risks, developing key skills in all curriculum areas, applying what they know to new situations and problem-solving, all in an environment where they feel they are simply having fun! However, as observers and facilitators, we see some of the most amazing learning, creativity and critical thinking taking place. It is here that our children are learning how to be curious, make their own decisions and persevere when things don’t always go to plan – skills they will need throughout their lives. We believe that effective learning is not a passive state, but requires a commitment of real energy, focus and a will to reach the goal set, no matter what obstacles appear along the way.


Outdoor Enrichment

Whatever the weather, the children spend the day outside. Nursery and Reception children enjoy our Little Woods, while Years 1 and 2 are in Big Woods. They build dens, learn to use tools safely, use natural sustainable materials to complete projects and generally get exceptionally muddy! The children even learn to cook using our child-built cob oven.

The highlight of the day is not the fantastic activities, the model-making or the bug hunts, but is undoubtedly the melting marshmallows, sizzling sausages and hot chocolate, all cooked over an open fire by our outdoor classrooms. The only necessity is old clothes which can withstand the mud.

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