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Old Aluredian Club

Supporting our OAs for their lives after King's

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

It was huge fun chatting to the OAs and finding out what each had done since leaving King's. They were universally impressed by what they saw at the school, and it is true that the school has managed an enormous amount of development in the past decade. Sometimes it takes the return of old boys and girls to remind ourselves just how much has been achieved

Richard Biggs, Former Headmaster, commenting about a recent OA Dinner

Old Aluredian Club

We refer to our former pupils or alumni as Old Aluredians or OAs for short.

Alured is an ancient form of Alfred, the king after whom the school was named when the Reverend Nathaniel Woodard re-founded the college as King Alfred's School in 1880. 

The OA Club is supported by our Development Office, who arrange regular dinners, receptions and sports events, keeps our OAs up-to-date with school news and developments and sends regular communications and newsletters. Being a part of this collective of former pupils is an excellent way of remaining a part of the King's College community once a pupil has left. Membership subscriptions are payable by means of termly instalments throughout a pupil's time at the school, so that Life Membership is provided for when a pupil leaves the school.



Beyond King's

The Beyond King's platform is the OA Club’s online facility that enables former pupils to network and build career connections and keep in touch with one another. Registration is easy, simply sign up to Beyond King's, and start messaging other OAs, sharing news and stories, attend events, post jobs or ask for mentoring and careers advice.

Alternatively you can contact the OA Club Office at oa@kings-taunton.co.uk or call 01823 328184.

Getting Involved


Because the OA Club exists for its members, it therefore needs as many OAs as possible to get involved in the Club and in its running of the many and various events that take place throughout the year. There are a number of ways to get involved: 

Join the Committee – The committee is always pleased to hear from OAs who would be interested in serving on the committee and helping to shape the direction and future of the OA Club. Committee meetings are held each term at King's College, although the ability to attend every meeting is not necessarily a prerequisite for serving on the committee. 

Become a Year Rep – This is a new initiative and we are in need of Year Reps for almost every year group. If you have a few hours to spare each month, and enjoy making contact with your school peers, the OA Club would be delighted to have you as a Year Rep. For more information please contact the OA Club Office. Email: oa@kings-taunton.co.uk 

It is hoped that Year Reps will take a leading role in encouraging their peer group to remain in contact with the OA Club and to attend events both at King's and elsewhere. Year Reps are welcome to arrange their own smaller reunion events for a particular cohort, or to co-ordinate with other Year Reps to organise an event for a specific decade, for example. Our Development Office is happy to provide support for such events. 


Get involved in Pelican Sport – There are strong OA [Pelican] sports clubs for most of the sports played at King’s (cricket, rugby, football and both men’s and women’s hockey). Most sports enjoy an OA v current pupil match/tournament at some point during the academic year, and teams also play in external events such as the Cronk-Cunis rugby tournament. These events are always lively, good fun, and a great way to connect with former pupils from many year groups.

Attend a Reunion Event – The OA Club organises a variety of events throughout the year both in the UK and overseas. There is an annual reunion dinner in November, with a London reception usually in early spring. There is also an annual Forties to Sixties lunch for leavers from those two decades. OAs are also welcome to attend school events throughout the year such as the annual Remembrance Day Service and the public Carol Service. You will be notified about these via the monthly e-bulletin and the OA newsletters and can register your attendance via Beyond King's. 

OA Club Constitution & Rules

OA Club Benefit Fund

Applying for assistance from the Old Aluredian Benefit Fund 

The OA Benefit Fund Committee would like to highlight to members of the Club that the Fund provides charitable assistance, in the form of Distress and Education Grants, for former pupils, their spouses, widows and children.

Whilst application cannot be considered for assistance with university projects, research etc, the Fund is there to assist where, for instance, the continuance of a former pupil’s further education is threatened through circumstances of genuine financial hardship, bereavement or injury etc.

The OA Benefit Fund Committee also wishes to remind former pupils that if they send their children to King’s they are eligible to apply for a Bursary from this charity. The Old Aluredian Benefit Fund provides bursaries primarily on the basis of financial need.

All applications should be addressed to the Secretary to the Trustees of the OA Benefit Fund of King's College, Taunton

The Director of Finance and Operations
King's College

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