Published on: Saturday, June 24, 2023

Embarking on a week-long adventure brimming with thrilling activities, enlightening experiences, and invaluable bonding, our Year 8 pupils set off to North Devon, where exhilaration, education, and unforgettable memories beautifully intertwined.

Energised for the week ahead, our Monday departure saw our pupils eagerly heading to the Ultimate Adventure Centre in North Devon. This exceptional venue greeted us with the inviting aroma of packed lunches and the buzz of forthcoming activities. Pupils swiftly claimed their dorms before being whisked away by professional instructors into the welcoming arms of the local woods. Here, our pupils engaged in den building and the ancient art of fire-making, paving the way for a wholesome, educational, and immensely entertaining trip. As the twilight set in, we congregated at the main centre, embarking on a quiz night brimming with intriguing questions.

Our Tuesday activities began with a hearty breakfast, fuelling our day of archery and orienteering. The team dynamics proved fascinating as the pupils were split into two groups, taking turns between the precision of archery and the strategic challenge of orienteering. Post lunch saw one group delight in a local shopping spree, while the other delved into problem-solving exercises at the centre. An exhilarating visit to the Big Sheep, a comprehensive indoor play area featuring thrilling death slides, marked a memorable end to the day.

Midweek brought the scent of salt and sand as Wednesday found us at the picturesque Westward Ho! beach. An impressive assault course challenged the pupils' agility, followed by some retail therapy and the serene stand-up paddle boarding experience. The long, scenic walk back to the centre marked the transition from the beach's tranquillity to the adrenaline-filled water assault course at the centre, making for a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement.

Thursday saw us back at the beach, allowing for personal exploration during town time and a refreshing swim in the sea. The afternoon was an active whirlwind of frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee, and touch rugby, with a kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding session at a nearby lake rounding off a truly vibrant day.

Our Friday, the final day, was tinged with the bittersweet sentiment of parting. However, the last-minute high ropes course and climbing wall were the ultimate final adventures. As we had our farewell picnic lunch and embarked on our journey home, the memories of an enriching, entertaining, and thoroughly thrilling week echoed among us. As one, our team looked back on our residential experience with a sense of accomplishment, camaraderie, and a shared longing for the next exciting trip.

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