Year 8 Residential Trip - A Thrilling Week of Adventure

Year 8 Residential Trip - A Thrilling Week of Adventure

Embarking on a week-long adventure brimming with thrilling activities, enlightening experiences, and invaluable bonding, our Year 8 pupils set off to North Devon, where exhilaration, education, and unforgettable…
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Creativity on a Plate: Pupils Stir Up Success at MasterChef Competition

Creativity on a Plate: Pupils Stir Up Success at MasterChef Competition

With the scent of determination mixed with fresh ingredients filling the air, our Leiths Cookery School was transformed into a vibrant battlefield. It was here that our boarding house teams, both juniors…
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Young Musicians Compete at King's

Young Musicians Compete at King's

The nail-biting final of the King’s Junior and Senior Young Musician of the Year Competition was held in the Chapel.
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Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

King's Sixth Form pupil Liam A has secured a prestigious gap year appointment as a Choral Scholar at Sherborne.
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A Brush with Murder

A Brush with Murder

The art and drama scholars inspired admiration, shock and awe amongst those who attended Saturday night’s murder mystery evening.
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King's Art Pupils' Brewhouse Exhibition

King's Art Pupils' Brewhouse Exhibition

Lower Sixth Art and Photography pupils and teachers from King’s College recently exhibited their work at the Brewhouse, Taunton.
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King's Pupil Appointed as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet

King's Pupil Appointed as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet

During a ceremony on 10 October at Dillington House, Sixth Form pupil Max E was appointed as a Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet.
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King's Smash Pringle Trophy Records

King's Smash Pringle Trophy Records

With eight wins since 2009, our Royal Marines Section now has the most victories in the history of this prestigious competition.
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