Poetic Prowess Echoes Through King's

Poetic Prowess Echoes Through King's

Our school Chapel was abuzz with the anticipation of its now-traditional poetry recitation event, a highlight in our school’s cultural calendar.
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Frontiers of Physics: Pupils Dive into Science at CERN

Frontiers of Physics: Pupils Dive into Science at CERN

Each year during the Michaelmas Term, our physics department heads to Geneva for an immersive experience at CERN – the European Centre for Nuclear Research.
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Netball Glory Amidst the Wonders of Disneyland Paris

Netball Glory Amidst the Wonders of Disneyland Paris

Over half term, our U12 and U14 netball teams embarked on an unforgettable netball tour, interspersed with the enchantment of Disneyland Paris.
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Pet Eucharist to Honour St Francis of Assisi

Pet Eucharist to Honour St Francis of Assisi

This week’s Wednesday weekly Eucharist was in honour of St Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of animals and the environment.
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King's Retain the Sir Steuart Pringle Trophy

King's Retain the Sir Steuart Pringle Trophy

This individual stance haul, seven trophies, is the most successful to date. And yet again, King's were ultimately victorious, claiming first place overall.
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Beth W Awarded Prestigious Arkwright Scholarship

Beth W Awarded Prestigious Arkwright Scholarship

The Arkwright Engineering Scholarships is a fully sponsored programme, that serves to encourage young people from all backgrounds to pursue their dreams and change the world as a future leader in engineering.
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Building Bonds: An Adventurous Trip to Hooke Court

Building Bonds: An Adventurous Trip to Hooke Court

A medley of activities—from bushcraft and bridge-building to raft building—focused on teamwork and connection, making it a rewarding educational and bonding experience for the year group.
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King's College Celebrates Official Opening of Sixth Form Centre

King's College Celebrates Official Opening of Sixth Form Centre

The occasion marks a momentous milestone in the school's history and underlines the school’s confidence and sense of optimism for the future.
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