Published on: Monday, July 24, 2023

Between July and September, three of our former Sixth Form pupils, Max, Josh, and George, commenced a daring challenge to trek from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, journeying over the daunting Pyrenees Mountain Range. The trek will cover an impressive distance of 1000 kilometres across some of the most mountainous regions of France and Spain.

Their journey began in mid-July and will conclude in late September; a considerable duration of about 60 days. The expedition will be characterised by steep inclines, remote trails and often precarious descents, that will undoubtedly test their endurance and determination. The trio will camp most nights, occasionally finding refuge in mountain huts that could, at times, be semi-derelict. The challenge also requires them to carry essential items such as tents, food, and water, as they frequently face periods of isolation without human contact lasting up to five days.

Having just completed the first week, they experienced the rigours of the expedition firsthand, tackling their first summits of over 600 metres, confronting the unexpected burdens of heavy bags and even navigating through tricky, dangerous ledges. So far they have been faced with arduous climbs, sometimes ascending into clouds and summiting three peaks over 1000 metres in one day alone. Despite the difficulties, these determined young men found solace in picturesque campsites and the camaraderie forged through shared experiences.

Recently their resolve was tested as the weather turned against them, with rainfall and thunderstorms adding to the challenging terrain. However, the strength of their cause and the kindness of strangers, such as a French couple who provided them with shelter and food during a storm, fuelled their determination.

The motive behind this ambitious trek was not just personal achievement but also to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, a leading global charity dedicated to researching the causes, treatment, and prevention of cancer. The cause holds a personal significance for the trio, with each of them having had family and friends affected by the disease. Their objective is to contribute to the fight against cancer and help more people survive this condition, thanks to advancements in medical research.

Through this exceptional journey, they will exemplify resilience, friendship and the power of a valued and shared cause, proving that even in the face of adversity, unity and determination can triumph. Their contribution to Cancer Research UK will undoubtedly assist the charity's invaluable work, demonstrating the impact that young people can have in making a difference in the world.

You can donate to their cause at this link: and can follow their progress on Instagram at: 

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