Shoebox Donations Make a Difference

Shoebox Donations Make a Difference

Just prior to the Christmas break, pupils from our King's Community Action Project (KCAP) were busy embodying the spirit of Christmas and filled shoeboxes with essentials and treats, which were delivered…
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Netball Glory Amidst the Wonders of Disneyland Paris

Netball Glory Amidst the Wonders of Disneyland Paris

Over half term, our U12 and U14 netball teams embarked on an unforgettable netball tour, interspersed with the enchantment of Disneyland Paris.
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King’s Wins the Double at the National Schools T20 Cricket Cup

King’s Wins the Double at the National Schools T20 Cricket Cup

Earlier in the summer, the King’s College 1st cricket team won the National T20 U18 Cup for the first time, and last Sunday saw the U15 team raise the championship trophy.
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Nurturing Nature: An Unforgettable Journey through the Galapagos and the Andes

Nurturing Nature: An Unforgettable Journey through the Galapagos and the Andes

Their journey, full of challenges, learning, and mutual exchange, left them with a profound sense of accomplishment. With a commitment to helping local communities and an unwavering enthusiasm for exploration,…
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The Camp Costa Experience: Immersion, Contribution and Adventure

The Camp Costa Experience: Immersion, Contribution and Adventure

At the start of the second week of a four-week expedition, ten King's pupils embarked on a 10-hour bus journey to Camp Costa near Puerto Lopez, journeying through breathtaking landscapes in the foothills…
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Into the Wild: A Life-Changing Experience in the Amazon Rainforest

Into the Wild: A Life-Changing Experience in the Amazon Rainforest

In the first part of an expedition to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, ten King's pupils ventured into the Amazon rainforest for a week of community service, cultural engagement, and personal growth.…
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First Cricket Team Wins National T20 U18 Cup

First Cricket Team Wins National T20 U18 Cup

At the end of the Summer Term, the King’s College first cricket team won the National T20 U18 Cup for the first time ever at the stunning Arundel Castle cricket ground.
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Teamwork and Campcraft in the Wilds of Exmoor

Teamwork and Campcraft in the Wilds of Exmoor

Overlooking a beautiful Exmoor Valley, Chindit Camp was established and pupils took part in a variety of traditional camp activities, including cooking, navigation and camouflage and concealment.
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