Debra Stephenson: Insights, Impressions and the Secrets to Resilience

Debra Stephenson: Insights, Impressions and the Secrets to Resilience

This evening, our Lower Sixth pupils and staff were treated to a talk from actor and impressionist Debra Stephenson.
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King's Pupils Celebrate Excellent GCSE Results

King's Pupils Celebrate Excellent GCSE Results

Our Year 11 pupils have been celebrating their results with staff, family and friends, marking yet another year of excellent academic and personal achievement.
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Sixth Form Pupils Receive Outstanding A-level and BTEC Results

Sixth Form Pupils Receive Outstanding A-level and BTEC Results

King's pupils celebrated with family and friends this week, and marked another year of excellent academic and personal achievement.
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Nurturing Nature: An Unforgettable Journey through the Galapagos and the Andes

Nurturing Nature: An Unforgettable Journey through the Galapagos and the Andes

Their journey, full of challenges, learning, and mutual exchange, left them with a profound sense of accomplishment. With a commitment to helping local communities and an unwavering enthusiasm for exploration,…
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A Year of Performing Arts Productions at King's

A Year of Performing Arts Productions at King's

King's has a thriving drama and performing arts scene. Pupils of all ages can get involved, from acting, dancing, singing and playing in the band, to backstage costume and make-up artist work, and set…
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The Camp Costa Experience: Immersion, Contribution and Adventure

The Camp Costa Experience: Immersion, Contribution and Adventure

At the start of the second week of a four-week expedition, ten King's pupils embarked on a 10-hour bus journey to Camp Costa near Puerto Lopez, journeying through breathtaking landscapes in the foothills…
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From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean: An Inspirational Trek for Cancer Research

From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean: An Inspirational Trek for Cancer Research

Between July and September, three of our former Sixth Form pupils, Max, Josh, and George, are taking on a daring challenge to trek from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, journeying over the…
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Into the Wild: A Life-Changing Experience in the Amazon Rainforest

Into the Wild: A Life-Changing Experience in the Amazon Rainforest

In the first part of an expedition to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, ten King's pupils ventured into the Amazon rainforest for a week of community service, cultural engagement, and personal growth.…
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