Competitive Natures Unleashed in Inter-House Competitions

Competitive Natures Unleashed in Inter-House Competitions

​Inter-house competitions form a large part of our co-curricular programme here at King’s. Not only are they a fun and popular addition to our daily activities, but they also enable pupils to develop their…
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All Set for the King's Cricket Festival

All Set for the King's Cricket Festival

The King’s College Cricket Festival is all set to start on the afternoon of Sunday 17 July. Twelve teams will be arriving ready to play, and from then until 19 August there will be six games taking place…
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End of Year Celebrations Make a Welcome Return

End of Year Celebrations Make a Welcome Return

It was wonderful to have the full suite of our end of year events operating as we would wish them to be - full houses for shows, Prize Days, fêtes, farewells and end of year lunches and celebrations.
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Special Celebrations for Chinese New Year

Special Celebrations for Chinese New Year

Pupils at both schools welcomed the Year of the Tiger at our annual Chinese New Year Supper.
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The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Cox Delivers Batten Lecture

The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Cox Delivers Batten Lecture

King’s College welcomed back one of its illustrious alumni, Sir Geoffrey Cox QC MP, to deliver this year’s Batten Lecture.
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Year 8 Charity Fête

Year 8 Charity Fête

Every year our leaving Year 8 children host a Charity Fête, with all manner of stalls and activities for other year groups (and usually parents) to visit and partake.
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