Year 5 Children Rise to the Maths Challenge

Year 5 Children Rise to the Maths Challenge

Recently, four Year 5 pupils boarded the bus in excited anticipation to join around 100 children from other prep and primary schools at Bristol Grammar School’s annual Inter-school Maths Challenge.
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The Magic of Moana Jr

The Magic of Moana Jr

As the set is dismantled and the costumes tidied away, the catchy tune of Shiny! and You’re Welcome continues to be sung by all who watched the senior prep school production.
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King's Smash Pringle Trophy Records

King's Smash Pringle Trophy Records

With eight wins since 2009, our Royal Marines Section now has the most victories in the history of this prestigious competition.
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Boarding House Refurbished at King’s Hall

Boarding House Refurbished at King’s Hall

During the summer break, staff have been busy renovating the Grade II listed building that is home to boarding children at King’s Hall School situated off the Kingston Road.
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CCF at King's – Royal Navy Section

CCF at King's – Royal Navy Section

Our CCF Royal Navy Section has been involved in various activities throughout the year: seamanship and general military skills such as rope work, knowledge of the Royal Navy; leadership tasks; drill and…
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U11 Cricket Team Excel in National Final

U11 Cricket Team Excel in National Final

On Thursday 7th July, with a strong team and following an unbeaten season, the King’s Hall U11 team played in the English Schools Cricket Association National Finals for the third year in a row.
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End of Year Celebrations Make a Welcome Return

End of Year Celebrations Make a Welcome Return

It was wonderful to have the full suite of our end of year events operating as we would wish them to be - full houses for shows, Prize Days, fêtes, farewells and end of year lunches and celebrations.
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North Field Transformed for the Annual Charity Fête

North Field Transformed for the Annual Charity Fête

Every year our leaving Year 8 children host a charity fête, with all manner of stalls and activities for other year groups and parents to visit and take part in.
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