Fieldwork and Fin Whales: An Immersive Biology Trip to the Isles of Scilly

Fieldwork and Fin Whales: An Immersive Biology Trip to the Isles of Scilly

In an exciting four-day excursion, 19 A level biology students and three staff members embarked on a biology trip to the picturesque Isles of Scilly. Blessed with hot and sunny weather throughout their…
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Sixth Former Receives Award at National Army Museum

Sixth Former Receives Award at National Army Museum

In addition to Thomas B studying A-level history, philosophy and business studies at King’s College, he came second in the junior category of the annual Centre for Army Leadership and National Army Museum…
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Art Scholar Offered a place at Central St Martins

Art Scholar Offered a place at Central St Martins

Upper Sixth Form art scholar Zhanna B is celebrating after receiving an offer of a place at Central St Martins, the world-renowned arts and design college in London.
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King's Historians Explore Berlin

King's Historians Explore Berlin

During the first weekend of the Easter holiday, 33 Fourth and Fifth Form pupils studying GCSE history, accompanied by four members of staff, set off for Berlin, the capital of Germany and one of the most…
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Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

Liam Secures Prestigious Gap Year Appointment

King's Sixth Form pupil Liam A has secured a prestigious gap year appointment as a Choral Scholar at Sherborne.
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Pupils enjoy a STEM-tastic week!

Pupils enjoy a STEM-tastic week!

This week, King's Hall pupils enjoyed a thrilling STEM-tastic week as they grappled with numerous STEM-themed challenges.
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Geography Field Trip Surveys Exeter

Geography Field Trip Surveys Exeter

Looking at the inner city, suburbs and rural-urban fringe, our Fourth Form geographers recently visited Exeter to gather data for their GCSE studies.
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Year 5 Children Rise to the Maths Challenge

Year 5 Children Rise to the Maths Challenge

Recently, four Year 5 pupils boarded the bus in excited anticipation to join around 100 children from other prep and primary schools at Bristol Grammar School’s annual Inter-school Maths Challenge.
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