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Boarding and Day


House Booklet

We have a number of 11+, 13+ and 16+ Scholarships available.

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

House Ethos

Being part of Taylor house means you are almost always on the go. Our girls work hard academically, strive for sporting prowess and stand out musically. Everyone has something to offer, be it academia, sport, music, drama, friendship or even a kind and supportive ear, and one is no more important than the other.

We are proud to have a number of scholars from every discipline, and engender a fierce (but healthy) competitive appetite when it comes to house competitions, be it debating, general knowledge, hockey or swimming. The day girls play an equal part in the house, often staying for prep and board regularly.

It is our intention, along with the house staff, to make Taylor a friendly and happy house in which to live and learn, where fun, laughter and friendships are at the forefront of the girls' personal development. We are here to help the girls in our care to express themselves and fulfil their potential in whichever fields their interests lie.

It is important that we all take pride in ourselves and in the relationships we have with one another; we are owed respect, but have to earn trust. By doing so we can make Taylor a place where everyone can study in peace and relax in comfort.


House History

Taylor House was established in 1997 when the number of girls in the school exceeded the capacity for Carpenter and Meynell. It was named after Prebendary Philip Taylor, (Chaplain and Headmaster 1920s/1930s), whose great-great-niece was a member of our Fourth Form.

In recent years we have updated and renovated some of our accommodation, and we now have three kitchens and two common rooms as well as the usual studies and bedrooms. Our common rooms are not age-related, so all ages are encouraged to mix together.

Originally the school sanatorium, Taylor house girls are able to boast a sink in every bedroom.


Taylor Today

Taylor is situated on the edge of the main building at King’s College. Our strong house system provides the best possible academic monitoring and pastoral care.

Girls create deep bonds of friendship in this small boarding house. There are three common rooms and several small kitchens along with a house tuck shop which opens daily. The girls often have plenty of visitors in their common rooms. Junior and Senior girls share rooms and all girls in the Upper Sixth usually have a room of their own. All girls in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Forms have a study area on the ground floor.

The close proximity of these study areas to the house office ensures all girls are fully supported during evening prep. All day girls in the Sixth Form also have their own designated study area whilst all Sixth Form boarders have a desk area in their own rooms.



Ms Agg-Manning is the Houseparent of Taylor House. She lives in ‘No 11’, which is a separate house about 400 yards away from Taylor House, opposite our finance office with her husband Oliver, her miniature dachshund Frank and her cat Hugo. 

Ms Agg-Manning is also Head of Drama and Performing Arts and brings a wealth of pastoral experience to the role of Houseparent. She was Deputy Housemistress in Carpenter house for three years, as well as being Head of KS3 at a previous school.

Hugely passionate about creative arts, Ms Agg-Manning loves going to the theatre as well as directing plays and musicals in our theatre. She is a lover of board games and enjoys taking part in games nights with family, friends and the girls of Taylor.

One of Ms Agg-Manning’s strengths is her empathy and compassion. She wants the girls to feel comfortable to come to her about anything, and is encouraging and supportive, but always fair.

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