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13+ Scholarship Enquiry

We have a number of 13+ Scholarships available. (Closing date Monday 17 February 2025)

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.

What happens after I apply?

Once awarded, all scholarships are subject to annual review. Scholarship holders are expected to continue to contribute as appropriate to the life of the school. Scholarship offers are made as soon as possible after the relevant tests. Acceptance is conditional on agreeing to terms and conditions, details of which may be obtained from the Director of Admissions. All scholarship holders may, in addition, apply for means-tested bursarial assistance

Scholarship Enquiry (13+)

Scholarship Events: By completing this form, you are also registering your interest in finding out more about our Scholarship Event days. A member of our Admissions Team will be in touch with more information regarding these events.

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