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Prep Enrichment and Scholarship Events

Schedule of Events Book an Event

We have a number of 13+ Scholarships available. (Closing date Monday 17 February 2025)

Scholarships offered include Academic, Music, Sport, Art, Drama & Performing Arts (including technical theatre) and Design Technology.


Enrichment Overview

We are delighted to introduce our Enrichment & Scholarships Programme, designed to offer unique opportunities for young learners. With sessions scheduled throughout the academic year, we invite pupils to partake in a range of activities, providing a glimpse into the enriching King's journey. These sessions, held on select Saturdays and Wednesday afternoons, are a testament to our commitment to educational excellence and an opportunity for pupils to experience first-hand the dynamic and supportive learning environment at King’s College Prep. For consideration for a scholarship, pupils must attend at least three events, complete our assessment papers and join us for a taster day.


Parental Engagement

On arrival, while their children immerse themselves in the activities, parents are welcome to engage with other members of the King's community over coffee in the Woodard Room. Following this, a guided tour of our school, led by a member of our Senior Management Team or Admissions, offers an intimate look into the life at King's College Prep. This is a perfect opportunity for parents to witness the all-rounded development their children can achieve here, finished off with the opportunity to observe their children engaging in the session's activities. Our programme not only focuses on pupils' academic and co-curriccular growth but also emphasises the importance of parental involvement and awareness in their children's educational journey.

Schedule of Events

29th November 2023: Potions (4pm-5:30pm) - Pupils will engage in a fascinating science workshop in our labs, focusing on 'creating potions' and exploring the properties of red cabbage, led by our Head of Science.

9th December 2023: Netball (Years 5&6) - An opportunity for pupils to learn 'Bee Netball' with our Director of Sport and Assistant Head, focusing on teamwork and skills development in the King's College Prep Sports Hall.

10th January 2024: French Cooking (4pm-5:30pm)- A delightful French cooking session with Madame Murray, where pupils will learn to make delicious French biscuits in our cookery school.

20th January 2024: STEM I (Years 5&6) - Pupils will be learning how to calculate the energy value of food through an experiment involving burning crisps. They will be using their mathematical skills to assess the data collected and to allow conclusions to be made. This fun STEM activity will be run by the Heads of Maths and Science. 

POSTPONED 3rd February 2024: Explorers (Years 5&6) - A map reading and exploration activity led by our Head of Geography and Deputy Head of Academic. Pupils will engage in a clue-finding adventure across our beautiful campus.

24th February 2024: Football (Year 4-6) - A football-focused morning with indoor 5-a-side or outdoor 7-a-side games, led by our sports team, including activities like free-kicks and penalty shootouts.

20th April 2024: STEM II (Years 4&5) - In this session, part of our STEM series, pupils will engage in 'Robot Wars', designing robots and using coding skills to complete various challenges.

11th May 2024: Hardball Cricket (Years 4-6) - Advanced cricket training for pupils with experience in hardball cricket. We will play on our U11 main pitch, utilising our fantastic cricket facilities.

8th June 2024: Performing Arts Workshop - A creative workshop for pupils led by our Performing Arts department. Pupils will develop a range of performing arts skills, followed by the opportunity to showcase them. This coincides with the lead-up to our Arts Week activities.

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