Assembly on Monday saw ‘Good Egg’ awards being handed out to one in each tutor group for making our school a better place in the first half of term. Such a positive way to kick things off after the break and a reminder of how much we value kindness, consideration and collaboration.
We ended the last half of term with lots of music via the Taunton Music Festival and our own brilliant Lent Concert. Also, in assembly on Monday, we unveiled, by drawing out at random, the song selections for the fun House Music competition that will take place on the last morning of term. Mr DJ has gone for a theme of ‘Dance’ this year, so at home you may well find yourself subconsciously humming one of the following tunes more and more as the weeks go by: Shut Up and Dance With Me; Better When I’m Dancing; Can’t Stop The Feeling; Never Gonna, Not Dance Again. As well as these songs, there will be Junior and Senior group performances from each House.
Many Year 8 children have been challenging themselves in the 13+ Scholarship arena this week. For those who wish to, it is a success to have put yourself forward, to expose yourself to the risks but give your best come what may. It is always worth repeating that whilst there may well be varying degrees of momentary happiness and disappointment on hearing the outcomes down the line, we don’t want anyone to celebrate too heartily or to carry any temporary sadness too weightily. We wish for all children at all ages to be stretched and challenged as they develop and for some the scholarship framework provides this. The Scholarship process is not a destination but just one of a variety of experiences along the route to explore your full potential and foster resilience.
There have also been Parents Evenings, Pancake Races, a full set of matches, play rehearsals for Year 6, Saturday Activities, Ash crosses on foreheads from Fr Mark in Chapel - so, no sense of easing back in: get your ‘Dance’ song playing, put the pedal to the metal and away we go.